Wattrel is a tiny avian Pokémon. Its feathers are mostly black, except for the grayish light-blue feathers covering its chest area, and the yellow covert feathers on its wings, as well as a yellow crescent-like marking on its face. Its head is nub-like and contains its fairly long orange beak, located just above the bottom of the crescent marking. Its eyes cover the tips of the crescent, which have white sclerae, black irises, and teal pupils. It has small webbed feet that are orange in color, and its tail splits into two.
Wattrel flies in a specific way so that its wings are able to catch the wind. Its bones, in reaction to the wind, create electricity for Wattrel, and it uses this ability to dive into bodies of water to electrocute its prey, such as Arrokuda. Their nests are located near the edge of coastal cliffs. The nests themselves have a crackling texture to them, and are known to be a popular delicacy throughout the Paldearegion.
Wattrel, the Storm Petrel Pokémon. An Electric and Flying type. When its wings catch the wind, the bones within produce electricity. It dives into the ocean, stunning foes by electrocuting them.
In the manga
Wattrel in Pokémon Adventures
Pokémon Adventures
Wattrel debuted in PASV12, under the ownership of Iono.
Wattrel's Pokémon VioletPokédex describes its nest as a popular delicacy, this could be a reference to swallow nests, a real life delicacy in Chinese cuisine that uses bird's nests as a main ingredient.
Wattrel may be based on a storm petrel. Its design may also be based on either the myth of storm petrels indicating bad weather at sea, or a play on the words "storm petrel" as a whole, as lightning is usually present in storms. The shape of its head and eyes resemble an aviator hat. Its Violet Pokédex entry refers to an edible bird's nest, which is a delicacy enjoyed in the eastern parts of Asia. As an electric bird it may take its inspiration from mythical creatures like Thunderbird.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.