Walrein is a large, walrus-like Pokémon with a layer of blubber under its skin. It is primarily blue, with thin, white rings around its neck and lines on its fan-like tail-fin. There are two long, ivory tusks in its upper jaw. It has a round snout and yellow eyes, and large tufts of white fur about its face and neck. Its four short legs have long flippers instead of feet.
Walrein lives in and around icy seas, where it is insulated against the cold by its thick layer of blubber. This layer of fat also protects it from enemy attacks by causing them to bounce off. While its long tusks are capable of crushing ice up to 10 tons in one blow, they may break during battle. Walrein's tusks grow continuously throughout its life, and any broken ones will grow back by the following year. The Hisui region is famous for the many broken tusks of Walrein that can be found there. This Pokémon can be found in herds of 20 to 30 individuals, which are fiercely protected by the leader. The leader is willing to give up its life in order to protect the herd. As mentioned in the Sleep Style Dex, Walrein has been seen sleeping with a tusk stuck in the ground. It is believed that the Pokémon fell asleep while tending to it tusks.
Walrein's two massively developed tusks can totally shatter blocks of ice weighing ten tons with one blow. This Pokémon's thick coat of blubber insulates it from subzero temperatures.
Walrein swims all over in frigid seawater while crushing icebergs with its grand, imposing tusks. Its thick layer of blubber makes enemy attacks bounce off harmlessly.
Walrein's two massively developed tusks can totally shatter blocks of ice weighing 10 tons with one blow. This Pokémon's thick coat of blubber insulates it from subzero temperatures.
Walrein swims all over in frigid seawater while crushing icebergs with its grand, imposing tusks. Its thick layer of blubber makes enemy attacks bounce off harmlessly.
Its thick tusks are strong enough to shatter drift ice. They have been known to break, but they will grow back by the next year. The Hisui region is well known for these broken tusks.
Its strong tusks shatter even large chunks of ice. Walrein has been found sleeping with a tusk stuck in the ground—as if perhaps the Pokémon fell asleep while tending to it.
In Training Wrecks, Rocky used a Walrein and Quagsire in his battle against Ash, and the two faced off against his Pikachu and Grovyle. Before Grovyle could attack Quagsire with its Leaf Blade, Walrein attacked Grovyle with its Ice Ball. Pikachu defeated Walrein in the end, while Grovyle took care of Quagsire.
In Destiny Deoxys, multiple Walrein were startled by the crash-landing of the asteroid that contained two Deoxys. This caused them to flee, the resulting stampede traumatizing Tory Lund in the process.
In Walrein and Camerupt, Archie used a Walrein to battle against Maxie, and later when ironically fighting alongside the Magma Leader against Ruby and Sapphire, though they are able to exploit the two leader's weakness of taking little notice of each other's presence and easily won. A few more volumes later, in the climax of the Ruby & Sapphire arc, Archie sends out several more Walrein alongside Maxie's multiple Houndoom to buy time for the two to escape, but are thwarted.
The two well-developed fangs can break a 10-ton iceberg with one hit. It can survive well in temperatures well below zero degrees with its thick layer of fat.
With the ability Thick Fat, Walrein and its evolutionary relatives can have an ⅛× resistance to Ice. This makes it the only evolutionary line where all of its members can have a triple resistance to a type under normal battle circumstances. The only other Pokémon that can have a triple resistance is Dewgong as it shares the same types and abilities as Walrein's evolutionary line.
Walrein appears to be based on a walrus. Its body shape, blue coloration, and fluffy white fur are reminiscent of a breaking wave. The rings around its neck may be inspired by the ribbon seal's coloration.
Name origin
Walrein may be a combination of walrus, reign, and possibly rain.
Todoseruga may be a combination of 胡獱 todo (Steller sea lion), Kaiser (German for emperor), and 牙 ga (tusk).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.