Oswald (Japanese: ヒラタ Hirata) is a character of the day who appeared in Clefairy Tales, as well as in The Electric Tale of Pikachu.


In animation

Oswald is a space enthusiast residing in a small town in Kanto, though his technology, which he purchased via comic books, failed to work. When the townspeople were puzzled by several Clefairy stealing all of their items, Oswald proposed the Clefairy were actually aliens who were using the belongings to help build their spaceship. However, nobody believed his theory except for Ash and his friends.

Along with Jigglypuff, Oswald and the others searched for the Fairy Pokémon and discovered they were indeed making a spaceship with the stolen items. Just as the ship was about to take off, Ash and his friends fled. However, Oswald stayed with the Clefairy, wanting to learn more about them as aliens.

Though the Clefairy and their UFO reappeared in Wish Upon a Star Shape, Oswald was not physically seen and only reappeared in a flashback.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 鈴木琢磨 Takuma Suzuki
English Addie Blaustein
Arabic مروان فرحات Marwan Farhat
Dutch Martin van den Ham
Finnish Pasi Ruohonen
Hebrew גיורא קנת Giora Kenneth
Italian Diego Sabre
Norwegian Erik Sk��ld
Polish Artur Krajewski
European Spanish Iván Muelas

In the manga

The Electric Tale of Pikachu

Professor Orville (Oswald) in The Electric Tale of Pikachu

Oswald appeared in Clefairy in Space. In VIZ Media's English translation, he has the name Professor Orville. His role in the manga is nearly the same as in the animated series, as he is a scientist who believes that the Pokémon Clefairy come from outer space.

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This article is part of Project COD, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each one-time character of the Pokémon animated series.