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ジュディ Judy

Gender Female
Hometown Unknown
Region Unknown
Animated debut Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
English voice actor Rhonda Krempa
Japanese voice actor Becky

Judy (Japanese: ジュディ Judy) is a minor character who appeared in Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea. She is an Operator who works at a Ranger Base.


Judy on the computer

Judy helped coordinate Pokémon Ranger Jack Walker's latest field mission, returning the Manaphy Egg to Samiya. She was first seen as Jack escaped the Phantom's ship and continued to offer him insights throughout the movie.

Judy's past is unknown, although it is said she once was a popular idol before working for the Ranger Union.

She is absent in the manga adaptation of the ninth movie.


Judy and Jack seem to have a familiar relationship with each other. They tend to engage in a bit of banter, though she remains focused on the task at hand.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese ベッキー Becky
English Rhonda Krempa
Dutch Jannemien Cnossen
German Melanie Manstein
Italian Loretta Di Pisa
Korean 오수경 O Sugyeong*
European Spanish Milagros Fernández

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Locations Samiya
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Soundtrack and score Soundtrack
24 -twenty four-
Pikachu the Movie Song Best 1998-2008
Adaptations MangaShort mangaNovel
TCG ManaphyPrince of the Sea Manaphy • Sea's Manaphy (139, 146, 147, 150, 154)
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This movie article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.