Review SM073: Rocket-dan's Island-Visiting!? Get the Z-Ring!!

I really loved the shiny female mimikyu, but I think Jessie's Mimikyu is male
What a great episode! Ash and his Pikachu only appeared at the end of the episode while Team Rocket Trio took the entire episode by themselves. Also, good idea using dummies to make sure Bewear won't go after them.
Now, we all need to worry about is how Episode 75 going to play out.

Four possible stuff might happen.
1) Ultra Beasts appear in Ula Ula Island wreck havoc around local people
2) Team Skull Leaders (Guzma & Plumeria) or Characters return such as Looker & Anabel.
3) Totem trial
4) Another boring filler that gone to waste.

Just my speculation, no need to take it serious.
As anticipated, the episode came out amazing! Loved the Knock Off + Black Hole Eclipse animations, and TR being much more competent. The episode hardly even felt like Ash in it.
I'm interested to see where they would actually have Team Rocket do with the Z-Rings, but hopefully it leads to even better things.

Looking forward to see how Mimikum-Z works.

-Good paced development
-Gengar's antics were amusing
-Seeing Giovanni have chemistry with Nanu
-No screentime wasted on classmate dialogue
-Mimi-tan seems like an interesting Pokemon.

-Felt mostly slow until around the end

Now, we all need to worry about is how Episode 75 going to play out.

Four possible stuff might happen.
1) Ultra Beasts appear in Ula Ula Island wreck havoc around local people
2) Team Skull Leaders (Guzma & Plumeria) or Characters return such as Looker & Anabel.
3) Totem trial
4) Another boring filler that gone to waste.

Just my speculation, no need to take it serious.
Yeah. I also like that James made an imitation of Iyami from Osomatsu-kun in one scene, that scene was funny!
I didn't realize in the preview that Acerola's Mimikyu is a Shiny.
There's the long-awaited Dark-type move! The buildup is real! Although the animation wasn't quite what I was expecting...

Good old Meowth balloon! We've missed you!

Nice way of keeping Bewear from realizing their absence. Let's just hope the distraction will work long enough.

Acerola is kinda cute.

Wait... That's a Nugget, isn't it?! We have the anime debut of Nugget right there! And the Nugget Man, of course.

And is that a Lucky Egg I'm seeing?

So, Mimi-tan really cannot interact with anything material. That's kind of sad, actually...

Oh boy, a Z-Ring! Here it comes...

Fina-freaking-lly! Team Rocket using a Z-Move! BLACK HOLE ECLIPSE, BABY!!

So... Did Gengar just become Acerola's Pokémon? Guess I'll have to wait for the subtitles...

I wasn't expecting Jessie to get the Mimikium Z in this episode, let alone from Acerola! Cool!

I was SO looking forward to their reaction when they would inevitably learn of Nani's kahuna status. And I wasn't disappointed.

Looking forward to more details on Nanu and Giovanni's relationship.

Aaaand there's the obligatorily Ash cameo. Can't have an episode without him! See you next week, Ashy-boy!
Apparently, Mimi-tan isn't just a shiny, it's an actual ghost (as opposed to a Ghost-type).
I was super surprised by Acerola's voice at first, but it grew on me pretty quickly.

Still kind of confused on why Nanu seemed to let the TRio keep the Z-Ring after finding out they were from Team Rocket, though. Or did I completely misread that scene?
Can we agree the fact that Ash's classmates and Kukui don't appear in this episode nor in the flashback? I bet they would only appear once during the beginning of the next episode where Mallow and the others are in school wondering where is Ash. That means Ash goes to Ula Ula Island alone.
This was such a good episode. Gengar is my favorite Pokemon. Looks like Nanu and Giovanni does have some kind strained friendship. Such much actually happened for Team Rocket though. Mareanie learned Knock Off, Jessie got a Z-Crystal for Mimikyu and they got a Z-Ring. No time was wasted by having a side-plot at the school either as Ash only showed up during the last 10 seconds to show that he's on his way there too. This is probably as close to a flawless episode as you can get for us Team Rocket fans.
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