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Review BW063: Trade Evolution! Chevargo and Agilder!!


Clap Clap
Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
Trade Evolution! Chevargo and Agilder!!

Animation - Team Kato
Screenplay - Junki Takegami
Storyboard - Yūji Asada
Assistant director - Takenori Kawada
Animation director - Masaaki Iwane

Bel's "Snail" Pokemon, Chobomaki, and Prof. Araragi's "Stickon" Pokemon, Kaburumo, are to be traded. Before the trade, the two battle, and the shy Chobomaki is overwhelmed by Kaburumo. After the trade, the one who is too strong goes to Bel.
Kaburumo must of watched Bel's actions during the Don Tourney, that's why it tried to stab her.

Also I hope I'm not the only one who calls bullshit on Dent's win in that battle.
I didn't get everything that happened in this episode, but I really liked Bel and Araragi's interaction together. Anyone else think Bel should become a lab assistant for Araragi in the end of the saga? It would be cute!

This episode didn't make me like those two Pokemon more at all.

Also I hope I'm not the only one who calls bullshit on Dent's win in that battle.
I was kinda disappointed too.
Saw the episode, and it suffered from the problem of having what seemed like two episodes tacked onto one. There was a plot involving a stuck Gigigiaru in Electric Rock Cave that took up the majority of the first half, then the whole 'getting Bel's Chevargo to listen to her' plot was the rest of the episode. It wasn't a bad episode though, I enjoyed the battling scenes in the second half.

Also, there was a double-battle between Satoshi/Dent and Bel/Araragi using their new Pokemon. The team of Satoshi and Dent won... but only because Iwaparesu used a Shell Smash then Rock Wrecker on its opponents after Satoshi's Gantle was unceremoniously knocked out by a double Hyper Beam.

I am now convinced that the writers hate Satoshi now and want him to lose as much as possible. If he'd been like this during DP, he would never have even beat Naoshi in the League, let alone Shinji.

Okido's Live Caster was about Doublan.
The tag battle in the second half felt like a Rocket-Dan battle up until the point where Satoshi got his ass handed to him. The triumphant music playing in the background, Araragi-Hakase and Bel ordering the same attacks at the same time, the high five they give each other...I seriously would not have been surprised if Satoshi and Dent blasted off at the end of that battle.

Also, I'm not usually bothered by these two things, but both Araragi-Hakase's catchphrase and Iris' uselessness really got on my nerves today. No idea why.

Did the kids saying the eyecatch pokemon misidentify it or something? I wasn't really paying attention, but it definitely did not sound like they were saying "Chobomaki."
Not a bad episode, with some fun interactions and such. I enjoyed Bianca in this episode again, off she goes for now. I still don't like Ash being the "fall-guy" of the team. Yes we know, Iwapress or w/e it's called is strong. How about it not soloing both of it's opponents, and making Ash/Boldore look pathetic.

Also, I might have misinterpreted it, but it seemed like Iris was rooting for Bell and Pikachu was rooting for Ash/Cilan. That was a nice little touch I guess.
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Eh, I didn't like this episode as much as I thought I would XD; The part with the Giaru and it's evos seemed unnecessary. I get that they were messing up the trading machine or something, but it seemed like nothing more than a quick "oh lol we need to debut this pokemon so let's hurry up and do that while we're at the cave". Though that scene with them in the cave was cool, the Giaru line is still creepy.

And the battle, ugh :/ I was all excited to get to see Araragi battle and then just WTF HAPPENED EVEN. The battle was pretty okay until the end. Dento's not allowed to lose


Anyone else think Bel should become a lab assistant for Araragi in the end of the saga? It would be cute!

Yesss, that would be so adorable! When these previews first came about I thought maybe that was the direction they were heading with her (similar to in the games), because they often show Bel struggling a bit with one thing or another as a trainer, so it could be the beginning of her ~science~ career, her & Araragi were so cute as bros when they were battling together XD Not that I don't like Bel as a rival, she's very entertaining and her episodes are always fun to watch.
If Shelmet really was a timid pokemon, then why did it battle against Elesa's Zebstrika in BW049? This aspect of the pokemon's personality appeared to be something that this episode forced out just so Bianca could try to handle the other pokemon that was reckless and out of control. To add insult to injury, Shelmet didn't appear to be timid at all after it evolved into an Accelgor and was out of Bianca's possession. All of the problems that Accelgor had as a Shelmet, both in battle and in personality, were miraculously fixed after its evolution. Meanwhile, Escavalier was still a powerful and reckless pokemon that still had to adjust with working alongside a new trainer.

I am glad that Bianca kept that Escavalier. All of Accelgor's attacks were of a single type (Normal) after it evolved (why did the writers get rid of this pokemon's Energy Ball and Protect attacks once it lost its shell?). Furthermore, Accelgor displayed no signs of its "timid" personality as a Shelmet after it evolved. Shelmet was simply a pokemon that Bianca had that was weak in more ways than one. It didn't contribute anything more to the table other than providing Bianca with a third pokemon to battle against a gym leader for one episode. Since the writers were willing to get rid of such a pokemon very quickly, I don't care what happens to that Accelgor, personally. Bianca owning that pokemon as a Shelmet in the first place was a means to an end; she can have a more powerful pokemon in her possession. Not enough time and focus was invested on Shelmet-Accelgor to warrant Bianca keeping it in the end.

The battle in this episode was meh. I don't care that Cilan's Crustle gets the victory here, since this pokemon didn't really have any battle to show off its own attacks and strength after it evolved (I'm not counting its battle against TRio in the previous episode since it teamed up against other pokemon to land the finishing blow). The pokemon appeared to be standing still for the first minute and a half of the battle, and it was disappointing that Accelgor was forced into a support role (i.e. Substitute to protect Escavalier) just so Bianca and Escavalier can get their act together and start to cooperate with one another in the middle of the battle.

I like how this episode ended. Once again, an episode actually ends with a cliffhanger that can be linked with the events of the next episode.
I tell Time after Time , The only reason Pokemon Anime's Popularity falling cause Writer keep using Ash as a punching bag.
When will this idiots gonna learn that noone likes a punching Bag as a main character !
So what its a tag battle, So what prof Junifer isn't a Gym-challenger
What make them think that its okey for Ash to lose to someone who's a not Gym leader or Gym challenger
Like In AG , They made a episode where Ash lose to Drew but They didn't try to make any episode where Ash defect him.
I mean, Drew show up so many other time so it does hart for them to write a simple episode where Ash would beat Drew
Why, Because they though Its okey for Drew to be superior to Ash because he is a Coordinator while Ash is a Gym challenger !
I mean, If Ash shouldn't have any business with May's rival then he shouldn't get his butt kick by them ether.
I wouldn't hate Drew this much & want Ash to take him down if Ash never get his butt kick by him in the 1st place.
The whole AG series was ruin because of that stupidity
And now THIS EPiSODE, what kind of a Development did Bianca got from Clian along victory while Ash's Defect huh ?
There I was start to Enjoy BW series after that great Gym battle But oh nooooooo
They have to Ruin the Fun we start to have.
I bet, They doesn't want to make the Anime enjoyable.
They just keep write whatever come in their without considering our feeling as long as they get their payday.
I mean, Couldn't they understand how people will feel if Ash's Bolder get knock down while Clian along take down two pokemon on his own.
Or They trying to tell us ''Hey kids, see what a pathetic Pokemon Boldore is ! So Ash should just trade that weaklin for a better pokemon hun ''. That Would also mean Ash might trade Boldore for Cilan's Crustal.
By the Way, Clian Crustal Didn't lose a single battle since its capture & even took down one of Ash's rival's pokemon.
THAT SHOULD BE ENOUGH. Even Brock pokemon didn't get this much Spotlight
Honestly, There shouldn't be any more episode with Clian crustal victory . Instate now Their should be a episode where Clain Crustal get's its butt kick even with its Shall smash.
Their making "Shall Smash'' Too Unstoppable ! Its time they should show ''Shall Smash'''s Weakness.
Or They thought Cilan is sooooooo Popular that people wouldn't care if I show him better then Ash
It's proved,Pokemon writer are too lazy and doesn't consider Our feeling
There I was thinking Yuji Asuda is a Good writer because he worte some funny episode !
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Guess I'm the only one who enjoyed Crustle owning Escavalier and Accelgor. Oh well... I don't care that it wins all the time, though I believe it lost once to that Cottonee. It's nice to see Cilan shine once in a while <3 Of course I am a fan girl. As for Ash's loss, yes it's a bit disappointing but he can't win all the time. He still wins his gym matches and such. I'm sure another win for him will come soon as well.
I tell Time after Time , The only reason Pokemon Anime's Popularity falling cause Writer keep using Ash as a punching bag.
When will this idiots gonna learn that noone likes a punching Bag as a main character !
So what its a tag battle, So what prof Junifer isn't a Gym-challenger
What make them think that its okey for Ash to lose to someone who's a not Gym leader or Gym challenger
Like In AG , They made a episode where Ash lose to Drew but They didn't try to make any episode where Ash defect him.
I mean, Drew show up so many other time so it does hart for them to write a simple episode where Ash would beat Drew
Why, Because they though Its okey for Drew to be superior to Ash because he is a Coordinator while Ash is a Gym challenger !
I mean, If Ash shouldn't have any business with May's rival then he shouldn't get his butt kick by them ether.
I wouldn't hate Drew this much & want Ash to take him down if Ash never get his butt kick by him in the 1st place.
The whole AG series was ruin because of that stupidity
And now THIS EPiSODE, what kind of a Development did Bianca got from Clian along victory while Ash's Defect huh ?
There I was start to Enjoy BW series after that great Gym battle But oh nooooooo
They have to Ruin the Fun we start to have.
I bet, They doesn't want to make the Anime enjoyable.
They just keep write whatever come in their without considering our feeling as long as they get their payday.
I mean, Couldn't they understand how people will feel if Ash's Bolder get knock down while Clian along take down two pokemon on his own.
Or They trying to tell us ''Hey kids, see what a pathetic Pokemon Boldore is ! So Ash should just trade that weaklin for a better pokemon hun ''. That Would also mean Ash might trade Boldore for Cilan's Crustal.
By the Way, Clian Crustal Didn't lose a single battle since its capture & even took down one of Ash's rival's pokemon.
THAT SHOULD BE ENOUGH. Even Brock pokemon didn't get this much Spotlight
Honestly, There shouldn't be any more episode with Clian crustal victory . Instate now Their should be a episode where Clain Crustal get's its butt kick even with its Shall smash.
Their making "Shall Smash'' Too Unstoppable ! Its time they should show ''Shall Smash'''s Weakness.
Or They thought Cilan is sooooooo Popular that people wouldn't care if I show him better then Ash
It's proved,Pokemon writer are too lazy and doesn't consider Our feeling
There I was thinking Yuji Asuda is a Good writer because he worte some funny episode !

Please stop mentioning Drew in every BW review thread. He has no relevancy to this episode.
So it seems like Junke Takegami shows off his crappy writing skills again. :/
Just realized this is the first double battle of BW and Paparagi looks like Brock.
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