Bug Fables Wiki

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Hrm. I wonder what my next work shall be!
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Butomu is a character in Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling. She is a backer character from the Indiegogo campaign. She was created by Sanagi.


Butomu is described by Kabbu as a mighty blacksmith who would "travel across the lands collecting materials, and no obstacle would be match for her". Kali describes her as "a miracle worker". Engira implies the two have a rivalry, though it seems to be one-sided.


  • Butomu, although a female beetle, sports a horn.[1]
  • In Bug Fables: The Art of Bugaria, she has a happy sprite never used in the game.[1]
  • Butomu was based on one of Sanagi's (her creator) original characters. Created in 2016, the character, called Butomu no Tate was a traveling monk and warrior who ventured around to train her craftsmanship and fighting style. This part of her backstory would be incorporated into her Bug Fables counterpart.[2]

