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Buffyverse Wiki
Note: This article is about the underground decoy. For other uses, see Buffy.
Btvs This article is about a subject whose real name is unknown, being identified only by a title, nickname, or alias.

I tried to face the darkness like a woman and I don't need any more than that. You don't have to remember me. You don't even know who I am. But I do.
―"Buffy Summers"[src]

Buffy Summers was the identity assumed by an unidentified Slayer for the protection of the real Buffy Summers.[1]


The Slayer was activated while at school and immediately saved the lives of her classmates with her new powers by pushing them out of the way of a truck. After watching a television commercial for girls with unusual abilities, she joined up with the Slayer Organization, forming strong relationships with her fellow Slayers.[1]

One night, while she was patrolling, a vampire bit her neck, and the other Slayers noted that she would have a scar like Buffy's, the leader of the Slayer Organization. The Chicago squad leader Rona choose the Slayer to become a decoy for Buffy Summers. She changed her hair color and counted that her other differences wouldn't call the attention of those who had never seen the real Buffy.[1]

As Buffy, her mission was to travel underground and destroy Yamanh of Hoht. She did so by uniting the rival underground societies of faeries, Slimefolk, Ravenclan, and "leaf-blower" demons against Yamanh and his horde, but Yamanh killed her at the end. In her final moments, while a Slayer Organization squad arrived, the Slayer reflected that her actions had saved the world, even though nobody would ever know her name.[1]

Powers and abilities[]

For me, becoming a Slayer was like Mike Tyson in your face — and not 'punching-you Mike Tyson,' 'ripping-your-ear-off-with-his-teeth Mike Tyson.' The power, the shared memories, the... truth. The unbelievable truth.
―"Buffy Summers"[src]

The Buffy decoy possessed the usual powers and abilities of Slayers, including enhanced strength, speed, agility, reflexes, durability, accelerated healing, and prophetic dreaming.[1]




Preceded by:
Buffy Summers and Faith Lehane

concurrently with Buffy, Faith, and thousands of others

Succeeded by:
Slayer succession line abolished