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Buffy Comic Uitgave
Haunted, #3
Haunted 3 Cover
Uitgavedatum 20 februari 2002
Uitgeven door Dark Horse Comics
Uitgave #3
Omnibus: Volume 5
Geschreven door Jane Espenson
Getekend door Cliff Richards
Haunted, Deel Twee
Haunted, Deel Vier


Haunted, Deel Drie is de 3e uitgave in de serie Haunted.

The recently deceased former Mayor of Sunnydale has got more than a few bones to pick with Buffy Summers. And it looks as if he'll have to go through several skeletons (as well as a few corpses in various states of decay) before he's satisfied. Now, on top of dealing with her nightmares about a certain raven-haired, trash-talking former Slayer, she's got a body-snatching, blood-sucking poltergeist stalking her every moment she's awake. But there's something strange going on beneath the University campus in Sunnydale, and the maleficent mayor is not going to like what he finds."

Vorige comic
Haunted, Deel Twee
Haunted, Deel Drie
(alle comics)
Volgende comic →
Haunted, Deel Vier