This image needs to have its border removed. Where borders are desired they should be added with wikimarkup or code.
NOTE: Engravings, etchings, photogravures, or any image where information would be lost, or the frame is integral part of the original postcard, document etc., DO NOT NEED their borders cropped; a cropped image of this type generally will violate the original artistic intent of the image, which includes the paper surrounding it. Especially images with {{Border is intentional}} should be not overwritten. If it is desirable to have a cropped version for specific uses, this should be uploaded as a separate file, and linked back to the original. This can be requested by using {{Extract image}} instead.
If the file is a photo of an artwork in perspective and with context (a physical frame, a place where the work is located etc.), use {{Extract image}} for request for a detailed image or a flat copy.
Any text from the border should be included in the image description. If the border contains author and license information, this may also be embedded in the file itself and the tag, {{Metadata from image}}, should be added.
Dozvoljeno je kopirati, distribuirati i/ili mijenjati ovaj članak pod uslovima navedenim u GNU licenci za slobodnu dokumentaciju, verzija 1.2 ili kasnijom verzijom izdatom od Free Software Foundation; bez nepromjenljivih dijelova, te bez sadržaja na naslovnoj i zadnjoj strani. Kopija licence se nalazi pod poglavljem GNU Free Documentation License. Free Documentation Licensetruetrue
da dijelite – da kopirate, distributirate i prenosite djelo
da remiksate – da prilagodite djelo
Pod sljedećim uslovima:
pripisivanje – Morate pripisati odgovarajuće autorske zasluge, osigurati link ka licenci i naznačiti jesu li napravljene izmjene. To možete uraditi na bilo koji razumni način, ali ne tako da se sugerira da davalac licence odobrava Vas ili Vašu upotrebu njegovog djela.
dijeli pod istim uslovima – Ako mijenjate, transformišete ili nadograđujete ovaj materijal, morate ga objaviti i distribuirati samo pod istom ili sličnom licencom poput ove.
Ova oznaka licence je dodana na ovu datoteku kao dio GFDL ažuriranja licence. BY-SA 3.0Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0truetrue
{{BotMoveToCommons|fr.wikipedia}} {{Information |Description={{fr|photo prise par Majestyjp pendant le derby ASEC - AFRICA au stade felicia lors d'un de ses bref sejours Abidjan}} |Source=Transfered from [http://fr.wikipedia
Ova datoteka sadržava dodatne podatke koje je vjerovatno dodala digitalna kamera ili skener u procesu snimanja, odnosno digitalizacije. Ako je datoteka mijenjana, podaci možda nisu u skladu sa stvarnim stanjem.