Noisy is a character off the Cosgrove Hall show "Little Robots". She appeared in 7441 Tiny & Friends and along with Messy was the only character not to appear in the 2004 line of sets. She seems to make a lot of noise to scare Tiny, but she made a loud trumpet noise to scare Stretchy while he was sorting out his pet rock, as seen in the episode "Stop That Noise!"
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2003 sets | 7435 Tiny's Day and Night Lever | 7436 Sporty's Jumping Gym | 7437 Gardening with Stripy | 7439 Stretchy's Junk Yard | 7441 Tiny & Friends | 7446 Tiny | 7449 Sporty | 7450 Stretchy |
2004 sets | 7442 Tiny's Lift Cart | 7443 Stretchy's Junk Cart | 7444 Sporty's Gym Cart | 7445 Stripy's Flower Cart | 7493 Sporty with Barbell | 7495 Sporty's Skate Park | 7496 Stretchy at Work | 851043 Tiny Key Chain |
Plush Toys | 7455 Tiny Plush | 7456 Messy Plush | 7457 Scary Plush | 7458 Stripy Plush | 7459 Tiny Plush Mini | 7460 Messy Plush Mini | 7461 Scary Plush Mini | 7462 Stripy Plush Mini |
Characters | Messy | Noisy | Scary | Sporty | Stretchy | Stripy | Tiny |