The Brotherhood of Makuta is an evil organization of Makuta, which controls the powers of darkness. They have used various types of evil creatures, including Rahi, Bohrok, and the Rahkshi, to destroy the Toa, who are ultimately their downfall. Besides Toa, the Brotherhood shares a mutual loathing with the Dark Hunters, thanks to the deaths of Nidhiki and Krekka.
Known members of the Brotherhood include:
- Makuta Teridax, the leader of the Brotherhood of Makuta.
- Makuta Antroz, sent to Karda Nui to stop the Toa from awakening Mata Nui.
- Makuta Vamprah, sent to Karda Nui to stop the Toa from awakening Mata Nui.
- Makuta Chirox, sent to Karda Nui to stop the Toa from awakening Mata Nui.
- Makuta Krika, sent to Karda Nui to stop the Toa from awakening Mata Nui.
- Makuta Gorast, sent to Karda Nui to stop the Toa from awakening Mata Nui.
- Makuta Bitil, sent to Karda Nui to stop the Toa from awakening Mata Nui.
- Makuta Icarax, sent to Karda Nui to stop the Toa from awakening Mata Nui.
- Makuta Mutran, a "mad scientist" type character, who created the Shadow Leech.
- Makuta Miserix, former leader and now prisoner of the Brotherhood. He was on a deserted island, but was recruited by Brutaka to aid in the fight against Makuta.
- Makuta Spiriah, an outcast from the Brotherhood.
The brotherhood of Makuta, mainly Makuta Teridax has been the main antagonist throughout the BIONICLE series. However, several other factions, such as the Dark Hunters, have opposed the protagonists as well.