8577 Pahrak-Kal is a BIONICLEset released in January 2003. It contains Pahrak-Kal, who was the Bohrok-Kal of Plasma. Some versions of this set came with a small disk containing trailers, info, and more.
This is a description taken from www.BIONICLE.com. Please do not modify it.
Pahrak-Kal is a slow-moving powerhouse. Although it would seem this Bohrok-Kal would be easy to evade, that is not so. The Pahrak-Kal is a powerhouse that can plow through any obstacle on its way to its goal.
Pahrak-Kal’s tool is a plasma shield. It has the power to superheat any substance until it becomes plasmodia. This makes him a fast and effective tunneller. The shield can also be used defensively, to turn any incoming missile or attack into a roiling mass of plasma. More terrifyingly, it can be used as an offensive weapon, to turn any obstacle into a molten mass.
Pushing the lever on its back will cause its head to spring forward.