The Fury of Firestorm: the Nuclear Man Vol. 3: Takeover (the New 52)

Front Cover
DC Comics, 2013 - Comics & Graphic Novels - 176 pages
Comics legend Dan Jurgens launches the third voluem of The Fury of Firestorm in an exciting new direction!

Ronnie and Jason has managed to get their superpowered alias in check, but that doesn't mean that their relationship is any better. With super villians like Multiplex and agents of Project N.O.W.H.E.R.E., Firestorm's future is uncertain. And what do Captain Atom and the Teen Titans have to do with it?

About the author (2013)

Dan Jurgens is a writer/artist most famous for being one of the main forces behind "The Death of Superman." He has written and/or illustrated titles such as JUSTICE LEAGUE AMERICA, BOOSTER GOLD, TEEN TITANS, AQUAMAN, DC's Tangent imprint, and the company-wide DC crossover known as ZERO HOUR. Jurgens currently writes JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL and SUPERMAN as a part of DC Comics--The New 52.

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