A Native American Encyclopedia: History, Culture, and PeoplesDispelling myths, answering questions, and stimulating thoughtful avenues for further inquiry, this highly absorbing reference provides a wealth of specific information about over 200 North American Indian groups in Canada and the United States. Readers will easily access important historical and contemporary facts about everything from notable leaders and relations with non-natives to customs, dress, dwellings, weapons, government, and religion. This book is at once exhaustive and captivating, covering myriad aspects of a people spread across a continent. Divided into ten geographic areas for easy reference, this work illustrates each Native American group in careful detail. Listed alphabetically, starting with the tribal name, translation, origin, and definition, each entry includes significant facts about the group's location and population, as well as impressive accounts of the group's history and culture. Bringing entries up-to-date, Barry Pritzker also presents current information on each group's government, economy, legal status, and land holdings. Whether interpreting the term "tribe" (many traditional Native American groups were not tribes at all but more like extended families) or describing how a Shoshone woman served as a guide on the Lewis and Clark expedition, Pritzker always presents the material in a clear and lively manner. In light of past and ongoing injustices and the momentum of Indian and Inuit self-determination movements, an understanding of Native American cultures as well as their contributions to contemporary society becomes increasingly important. A magnificent resource, this book liberally provides the essential information necessary to better grasp the history and cultures of North American Indians. |
Chapter One The Southwest | 3 |
Chapter Two California | 112 |
Chapter Three The Northwest Coast | 162 |
Chapter Four The Great Basin | 220 |
Chapter Eight The Northeast Woodlands | 398 |
Chapter Nine The Subarctic | 482 |
Glossary | 557 |
Appendix One Alaska Native Villages by Language | 565 |
Other editions - View all
A Native American Encyclopedia: History, Culture, and Peoples Barry Pritzker No preview available - 2000 |
Common terms and phrases
Abenaki acres activities Apache band is affiliated bark baskets began berries bow and arrow buffalo canoes ceremonies chief clans clothing Coast Coast Salish Comanche Contemporary Information GOVERNMENT/RESERVATIONS corn County Cree Creek culture Dakota dances deer DIET DRESS DWELLINGS early ECONOMY eighteenth century federally recognized tribal fish groups Historical Information HISTORY Hopi horses houses hunting important Indian Act Iroquois katsina KEY TECHNOLOGY Lake Lakota language LEGAL STATUS lived located Luise�o Maliseet mats moccasins mountain Native American Church Navajo nineteenth century non-Indians non-natives Northern Northern Paiute NOTABLE ARTS Ojibwa Oklahoma Paiute patrilineal Plains Pomo population potlatch pottery Pueblo Indians Quechan raiding Rancheria recognized tribal entity region religion religious Reservation ritual River roughly Salish salmon schools shamans shell Shoshone skin societies Southern Spanish spirits territory tion tipis Tlingit trade traditional treaty tribal council tribes Valley villages WEAPONS winter Women wore Yokuts Yurok
References to this book
Native America Today: A Guide to Community Politics and Culture Barry Pritzker No preview available - 1999 |
Daily Life of Native Americans from Post-Columbian Through Nineteenth ... Alice Nash,Christoph Strobel No preview available - 2006 |