Persia and the Greeks: The Defence of the West, C.546-478 B.C. |
Herodotos and other Sources | 1 |
Babylon and the Medes | 21 |
The Coming of Cyrus | 36 |
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Persia and the Greeks: The Defence of the West, C. 546-478 B.C. Andrew Robert Burn No preview available - 1984 |
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Achaemenid Aegean Aeschylus Aigina allies already ancient Argos Aristagoras Aristeides army Artabazos Artaphernes Artemision Asopos Athenians Athens Babylon barbarians battle Boiotian Cambyses campaign Carthage cavalry century coast comd command contingents Corinth Corinthian Cyrus D.S. xi Damaratos Darius Decree defeated Delphi Diodoros doubt Egypt empire enemy Ephoros Eretria Euboia evidence exiles expedition fact fighting fleet force Gelon give Gobryas Greece Greek Herodotos Hippias Hydarnes infantry inscription Ionians island king Kleisthenes Kleomenes Ktesias land later Leonidas Lyric Age Marathon marched Mardonios Medes Megara Miletos Miltiades modern mountain Nabonidus oracle Pausanias Peloponnesian perhaps Persian Phoenicians Plataia Plut Plutarch position probably revolt route sailed Salamis Samians Sardis satrap says Herodotos seems sent ships Sicily sources Sparta squadron story straits temple Themistokles Thermopylai Thessaly Thucydides took tradition triremes Troizen troops tyrant victory viii walls Xerxes