The German Infantry Handbook, 1939-1945: Organization, Uniforms, Weapons, Equipment, OperationsCovers formations, strength, armament, equipment, rank insignia, rifle groups, rifle columns, the company, light infantry weapons, recon, panzerj�ger units, pioneer, veterinary units, support services and operational histories of the German infantry. |
Common terms and phrases
198th Infantry Division 37mm antitank guns 6th Infantry Division ammunition antitank shell armor army attack barrel battery belt bicycle bridge bridgehead bullet carried cars cartridge central sector chaplains charge close-combat column command post commissary consisted crew defensive division commander division staff drivers eastern campaign enemy tanks Engineer Battalion equipment explosive Feldwebel field howitzer field kitchen fighting front German grams grenade launcher Grenadier Regiment Gunner hand grenades Hauptmann heavy grenade launchers heavy infantry heavy machine gun horsedrawn horses ignited Infantry Regiment Infantry Weapons intelligence platoon intelligence unit kilograms kilometers Leutnant light grenade light machine guns machine pistol main dressing stations mantelet meters per second motor vehicles motorcycles mounted non-commissioned officers Panzerfaust Panzerj�ger Panzerj�ger Unit personnel platoon pontoon radio troops Reconnaissance Unit rifle Russian shot sidecar soldiers southern sector squad squadron stick grenade strength supply trains surgeon Technical data troop leader truck Unteroffizier veterinary wagon Wehrmacht winter wounded