Messianism and Puritanical Reform: Mahdīs of the Muslim WestThis is a book about revolutionary movements of a messianic and millenarian character, led by a "mahdi", in Islamic terms, a charismatic messianic leader. It also addresses the question of mediation between God and men and the political repercussions of this question in the history of the pre-Modern Muslim West. Mahdism is considered in relation to sufi ideas, terminology and symbols which shape notions of authority and of legitimate power when claiming direct, intimate contact between the holy and the divine. The relationship between mahdism and the legitimacy of power, the process by which the messianic paradigm becomes inseparable from the claim to the caliphate are amply discussed. The contents of the book range from the times of the Muslim conquest of North Africa and Iberia, to the first part of the XVIIth century with the end of Muslim Iberia and the beginnings of European intervention in Morocco. |
Chapter One The Time of the Prophets The Conversion | 31 |
Chapter Two The Rise of the Fatimid Dynasty | 52 |
Chapter Three Berber Prophets and Messianic Rebels | 77 |
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Other editions - View all
Messianism and Puritanical Reform: Mahdīs of the Muslim West Mercedes Garcia-Arenal Limited preview - 2006 |
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Abbasid Abd al-Mu'min Abd al-Raḥmān Abd Allah Abū Abd Aḥmad al-amr al-Andalus Al-Baydhaq al-Ghazālī al-ḥādī Al-Ifrānī al-Manṣūr Al-Qāḍī Al-Qantara Alī Allāh Almohad Almoravids apocalyptic Arabic authority Beirut believers Berber caliph century Ceuta chapter Christian chronicle claimed commanding right conquest disciple divine doctrine dynasty eschatological Fatimids Fierro figure followers forbidding wrong French trans Garc�a-Arenal Granada holy Ibn Abi Ibn Abī Maḥallī Ibn al-'Arabī Ibn Khaldun Ibn Masarra Ibn Qasī Ibn Tūmart Idrīs Idrīsids Ifriqiya Imām interpretation Islam Jewish Jews Khārijite Kitāb l'histoire legitimising Leiden Madrid Maghreb Mahdi Mahdism Marīnid Maroc Marrakech mawlid Medieval messianic Moriscos Moroccan Morocco movements Muḥammad Muslim musulmane mystical North Africa Paris period political pouvoir prophecies Prophet prophethood qāḍī Qur'ān Rabat rebel religion religious revolt right and forbidding Sa'dids saint sharif shaykh shi'ite shurafa si�cle sources Spain Spanish trans Studia Islamica Studies sufi sufism sultan tradition tribes ulama Umayyad