The Gospel of LukeThis highly original commentary, part of the New International Commentary, is unique for the way it combines concerns with first-century culture in the Roman world with understanding the text of Luke as a wholistic, historical narrative. |
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Abraham Acts already anticipated apostles behavior birth Capernaum characterization Christology co-text concern crowds Death of Jesus demons Deut disciples discipleship discourse divine purpose echoes emphasis episode eschatological faith father followers Galilee Gentiles God's purpose Gospel of Luke Greco-Roman healing hear Herod Holy honor identified important interpretation Israel Jerusalem Jewish John John's Josephus journey Judaism judgment kingdom kingdom of God leadership legal experts Lord Lukan narrative Luke-Acts Luke's audience Mary Mary's meal Messiah ministry ministry of Jesus mission motif narrative unit narrator NRSV one's parable parallel Passover pericope persons Peter Pharisees phrase Pilate portrayed prayer present priests prophet provides question Qumran readers reading redemptive reference regarding rejection repentance response role Roman Sabbath salvation salvific Satan scene scribes Scriptures serve significance Simon sinners social Spirit status story synagogue teaching temple Testament Third Gospel toll collectors underscores verb verses words Yahweh Zacchaeus Zechariah