Pratyabhijnahrdayam: The Secret of Self-recognitionThe Paratrisika (or Paratrimsika) is a short Tantra which has been held in the highest esteem by Kashmir Saivism or Trika. After Somananda, Abhinavagupta has written two commentaries on it, a short one (Laghuvrtti) and an extensive one the present Vivarana which is presented here for the first time in an English translation. The Paratrisika Vivarana is one of the most fascinating but also most difficult texts of the Kashmir Saiva School, and of the mystical philosophical literature of India as a whole. It deals with Ultimate Reality (anuttara or para) and with the methods of realization, centred above all in the theory and practice of the mantra. Abhinavagupta displays here his great exegetical genius and presents a penetrating metaphysics of language, of the Word (vak) and its various stages in relation to consciousness. His language reflects in a luminous fashion the mystical experience contained in this text |
Preface to the Fourth Edition vii | 1 |
Notes | 117 |
Glossary of Technical Terms | 160 |
173 | |
182 | |
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Abhinavagupta activity Ahaṁkāra anava anugraha apāna appears aspect Atman attainment becomes Bhairava bhūcari bhuvanas bliss body brahman brings buddhi cakra called Citi citta Commentary dikcari Divine emanation entire universe essence experience external five-fold act gocari Highest Reality identical individual consciousness Iśvara jiva j�āna Kalā khecari knower knowledge known Kriyā Kşemarāja kundalini Leidecker liberation Lord madhya mala manas manifestation mantra Māyā means nādi non-difference objects one's Parama Śiva point of view prakāśa Prakrti pramātā prāna prasara Pratyabhij�ā predominant principle Prof pure I-consciousness real nature Sadāśiva Saiva philosophy sakalas śakti samādhi samāveśa samhāra Samkara sankoca sciousness sense Śiva Spanda srsti stage sthiti subtle body Suddha Supreme suşumnā Sūtra Svātantrya tattva thing translation Trika turya turyātita Ultimate Reality universal consciousness vahni vāyu verse Vidyā vikalpa vikāsa vilaya vimarsa word yogin अपि इति एव तत् तत्र तथा तदा तु भवति यत् यदा वा हि