Grand Canyon Place NamesThis handy guidebook for Canyon visitors gives elevation, location, and name derivations for more than 200 locales, from The Abyss to Zuni Point. |
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A. H. Thompson Amphitheater Apache APHS Files Arizona Barnes boats Boucher Bright Angel Creek Bright Angel Trail butte was named called Camp Canyon Grand Canyon Canyon Map Canyon National Park Cardenas Clarence Clarence E Cochise Coconino County Coconino Grand Canyon Coconino Loc Coconino Map Colorado River Colter Creek Map Dellenbaugh Diary Dutton in 1882 East El Tovar Hotel Escalante exploration Falls Fishtail Garc�s GC-7 Grand Canyon GC-8 Map George Wharton James Grand Canyon expedition Grand Canyon Files Grand Canyon National Grand View Granite Gorge Havasu Canyon Havasupai Hopi hundred feet Indian family John Hance John Wesley Powell Kanab Kolb Kwagunt Lava located Manzanita Point Maricopa member of Maj miles Mohave Nankoweap Navajo North Rim Phantom Ranch Pima POINT El point was named Powell's Rapids Map Shellbach File Shinumo Sinyala South Rim Stanton Tapeats TERRACE Topocoba tourist tribe Utah Historical Quarterly Valley Vasey's Paradise West Widforss Zu�i villages