Immunobiology: The Immune System in Health and Disease

Front Cover
Garland Pub., 2001 - Medical - 732 pages
Designed for providers who work with judicial clients, the Providers Guide presents effective cognitive-behavioral treatment approaches. The Second Edition of this bestseller unveils a state-of-the-art approach for effectively preventing criminal recidivism and substance abuse relapse within community based and correctional settings. The core of the SSC program is a positive relationship between provider and client. Summary of results survey from the first edition of SSC 95% of the providers rated the components of SSC to be adequate to very adequate in meeting the treatment needs of judicial clients Over 90% of providers rated clients as having a moderate to very high involvement in homework and reading 95% of the clients rates as very high their satisfaction of SSC delivery, the provider's response to client needs and clients' comfort with providers Around 80% of clients reported their cognitive and behavioral control over AOD use and criminal conduct had improved during SSC The accompanying Participant's Workbook to the SSC is written to engage clients and encourage active participation in treatment and responsible living: Phase I: Challenge to Change: Building Knowledge and Skills for Responsible Living Phase II: Commitment to Change: Strengthening Skills for Self-Improvement, Change, and Responsible Living Phase III: Taking Ownership of Change: Lifestyle Balance and Healthy Living

From inside the book


The complement system and innate immunity

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