Growing FungusN.A. Gow, Geoffrey M. Gadd This book is about the growth and differentiation processes underlying the growth and differentia of filamentous fungi. The impetus for this work tion of fungi and that it provides the reader with stems from our perception that the coverage of adequate source references for further information. this highly diverse and important group of organ It is estimated conservatively that there are more isms has been neglected in recent years, despite than 1. 5 million species of fungi - more than five many significant advances in our understanding of times the number of vascular plants and second the underlying mechanisms of growth. This situ only in diversity to the insects. The extreme ation contrasts with the treatment of Saccharomyces diversity of form in the fungi has always been a cerevisiae, for example, which because of its ideal source of inspiration for mycologists. This book is properties for genetic analyses, has established concerned mainly with those systems that have itself as the model eukaryote for the analysis of the been well characterized from the biochemical, cell cycle, and basic studies of biochemical and physiological or genetic points of view. Although genetic regulation. This book does not deal with it has not been possible to illustrate the breadth of the detailed growth phYSiology of S. |
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Achlya actin activity amino acid apical Aspergillus nidulans ATPase basidiomycetes Biochemistry Biological Chemistry biomass branching brlA Ca� Ca2+ calcium Candida albicans Cell Biology cell wall cellular chitin synthase chromosomes cloned colony conidiation Coprinus cycle cytoplasmic cytoskeleton developmental differentiation dikaryon dimorphic encoding enzymes eukaryotic Experimental Mycology Figure filamentous fungi formation fruit body function fungal fungus fusion gene Genetics genome germ tube gill glucose Gooday H+-ATPase Heath hyphae hyphal growth hyphal tip interactions involved Journal of Bacteriology Journal of Biological Journal of Cell kinetics mating type mechanisms metabolism Microbiology microtubules mitochondrial Molecular Mucor mutants mycelial mycelium Neurospora crassa nuclear nuclei Oomycetes organelles organisms pathogenic pathway pellet Phytophthora plant plasma membrane plasmids production protein kinase Rayner regulation role Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saprolegnia sequence sexual signal species spores sporulation strains structure substrate synthesis tion tip growth transport Trinci vacuolar vacuole vesicles yeast yeast cells zoospores