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Aden Admiralty application Artizan assert Atrato axioms Candia cent chanical Civil Engineers column conclusions consumption of coal consumption of fuel cube theory Cura�oa cylinders deduced speed displacement Ditto Draft of water Dynamics effect of force equal exhibited fact feet per second Flying Fish foot lbs form of vessel formula greatest Himalaya Holyhead immersed midship section indicated HP JOHN SCOTT RUSSELL length of screw lengthening line of motion Manilla mechanical effect miles per hour Minx Miranda naval architecture Nominal H. P. Nubia obtained paddle paddle-wheel Paper Pera plane Plumper present rule pressure of steam principles of mechanics produce proof propelling power proportion ratio of forces ratio of speeds resistance retarding pressure ROBERT ARMSTRONG screw propeller screw vessels Simla square feet square theory steam engine steam ships steam vessels sufficient tabulated Teazer tons trial trips truth velocity of piston vis viva water-line weight