The English and Empire Digest, Volume 15Butterworth, 1924 - Civil procedure |
Reports included in this Work and their Abbreviations PAGE xiii | 1852 |
Abbreviations used in this Work xxix | 1867 |
Table of Cases XXXV | 1873 |
1 other sections not shown
Common terms and phrases
accused admissible affidavit alleged amount Annotation Refd Annotation-Refd Annotations:-Consd Annotations:-Mentd ante appeared applt arrest assault bigamy cause Chancery charge child committed common law Consd consent conspiracy constable convicted Corpn Court Court of Session crime Criminal culpable homicide custody death deceased defence deft dying declaration evidence false felony fraudulently girl grievous bodily harm guilty Held indecent indictment for perjury intent judge jury justices killed King's Bench larceny larceny.-R Leach libel LORD magistrate manslaughter marriage ment Mentd misdemeanour Mood murder oath offence officer owner party peace person pltf police possession prisoner prisoner's procure proof prosecution prosecutor proved purpose reasonable received Scot SECT servant Smith statement statute stealing Stoke Poges stolen sub nom SUB-SECT sufficient taking tion trial unlawful unlawfully Vict vols warrant wife witness woman