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Omake (御負け) means extra in Japanese. The term is used to denote extra or bonus content.

Anime Omakes[]

Each Bleach anime episode features a short comedic omake segment, which is like a mini-episode that airs at the end of the episode. They offer extra information about the episode, such as techniques or more character information. They also show other characters in different situations, such as the Shinigami Women's Association. Some omakes are also manga-based.

The Shinigami Illustrated Picture Book is the default omake segment for the anime and often has its own arc that strings together multiple omake segments to tell a large story. Other omake segments tend to be more episodic in format. The anime has featured seven different omake segments.

Anime Omakes
Ep357XcutionDictionary Xcution Dictionary Various members of Xcution and those linked to it are caught up in comedic situations.
Ep231ArrancarEncyclopedia Arrancar Encyclopedia Gin Ichimaru tries to provide extra information about the Arrancar, but is interrupted by various individuals.
Ep280SevenWondersOfKarakuraTown Karakura Town: Secrets of the Seven Mysteries Ichigo investigates the supernatural urban legends in Karakura Town, which are usually the results of the Shinigami's numerous antics.
Ep14KonUltimateShinigamiIllustratedGuide Kon-sama's Ultimate Shinigami Illustrated Guide Kon talks about the various Shinigami of the Gotei 13.
Ep266QuincyEncyclopedia Quincy Encyclopedia Ryūken Ishida introduces various topics about the Quincy.
Ep251ShinigamiIllustratedPictureBook Shinigami Illustrated Picture Book Stories first told in Volume Sketches or in the Colorful Bleach chapters are animated as part of this series.
Ep221ShinigamiZanpakutoIntroductions Shinigami Zanpakutō Introductions Various Shinigami introduce the Zanpakutō of a fellow Shinigami.
Ep206SubstituteShinigamiWorkDiary Substitute Shinigami Work Diary Rukia creates drawings of Ichigo's various tasks while serving has a substitute Shinigami.

Manga Omakes[]

These are extra chapters that have been released to mark special occasions such as New Years, Christmas etc. Alternatively, these were short gag stories and canon tie-in chapters that were released with Bleach Databooks but never included as part of any manga volumes. To date, there have been ten such chapters released.

Manga Omakes
25.2Cover 25.2 things like loneliness Takes place on the day after the anniversary of Masaki Kurosaki's death and the events of chapter 25 where Ichigo finds out that his mother was killed by a Hollow.
Bleach Pirate Team Bleach Pirate Team Suggests what roles various Bleach characters would play as pirates.
Byakuya's Gift Omake Byakuya's Gift Byakuya Kuchiki buys Ichigo an expensive gift.
Christmas-in-Carmine-Omake-1 Christmas in Carmine Rukia insists that everyone must wear a Santa suit at Christmas, but Ichigo refuses.
I01Cover imaginary number 01. the unforgivens Special promotional chapter for Bleach: The Hell Verse movie. It sees Aaroniero and Szayelaporro arrive in Hell.
KeigoOmake Keigo and Tadanobu Ichigo's friends lamenting his absence
Not be but be not be, but be Ulquiorra Cifer's backstory before becoming an Arrancar
Bleach fun fun fun omake Phone Crazy on Stage & When You Are The Punchline The Shinigami of the Gotei 13 and Kon participate in a talent contest.
Bleach Shigekuni Claus 2010 Shigekuni Claus Various individuals give their Christmas wish lists to Captain-Commander Yamamoto.
The Official Captain's Guide to Gotei 13 Cleaning The Official Captain's Guide to Gotei 13 Cleaning A memo is issued to the Gotei 13 captains instructing them not to use their Bankai in their everyday lives.
Hitsugaya's Birthday

Other Omakes[]

These are extra stories told in the manga format, that do not fit the definition of manga omake.

Other Omakes
285Color page 1 Tedious Everyday Tales Colorful Bleach A series of full-color, two-page chapters detailing events in the lives of the Gotei 13 and others following Aizen's defection.
1Volume sketch Volume Sketches Various sketches are included with each edition of the Bleach manga volumes, typically with one sketch per chapter.
0Cover Bleach Pilot Chapter The original pilot chapter for the Bleach manga.

