Quilge explains the selection process.
Quilge attacks Loly and Menoly.
Quilge easily defeats the Tres Bestias.
Quilge appears behind Ichigo.
Ayon suddenly appears and attacks Quilge.
Ayon brutally pounds Quilge into the sand.
Quilge's Piskiel transforms after assimilating Ayon.
Ichigo attacks Quilge after shattering his Heiligenschein.
IChigo easily overpowers Quilge despite the latter's empowerment.
Quilge forces his body to continue fighting with
Quilge uses
The Jail to close the
Garganta Ichigo is traversing.
Quilge is suddenly cut in half and killed.
Quilge explains the selection process.
Quilge punishing an outspoken Arrancar.
Quilge proposes that the Tres Bestias give up.
Quilge states his techniques are still faulty.
Quilge apologizes for saying too much.
Quilge appears behind Ichigo.
Quilge reveals the true name of the technique.
Ichigo blocks Quilge's attack.
Quilge tells Ichigo to aim before slashing.
Quilge's collected Reishi is shattered in his hand.
Ayon brutalizing Quilge with its strength.
Quilge states he will kill them all.
Ayon and Quilge fighting.
Quilge after having absorbed
Ichigo attacks Quilge with his Bankai.
Ichigo overwhelms Quilge.
Quilge is shot through the chest.
Quilge is bifurcated by a surprise attack.
Quilge and the other
Sternritter on the special 14th anniversary poster.