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Crescent Valley is a place that used to belong to the Umbra Witches. It was here that the Umbra trained in dark arts. Children born in the Witches' homeland of Crescent Valley were taught the workings of Spirit Energy from a young age, and would thus manifest abilities--if they had them--at an earlier age than children born elsewhere, although what constitutes an "earlier" age is unspecified. Upon becoming a woman, a trainee would take the "Witchly Vows" and become a full-fledged Umbra Witch, although some candidates of particular skill and achievement were permitted to take their vows earlier than this. A statue of an Umbra Witch and a Lumen Sage stand with their backs turned to one another, the Umbra statue oversees the Crescent Valley while the Lumen statue oversees the Sunrise Valley. It is rumored/said that the Umbra and Lumen had clan meetings on these statues. After the Witch Hunts, the Umbra statue now has a massive stake through her heart, impaled there by a Loptr corrupted Balder. It was used a symbol to illustrate the supposed extinction of the Umbra Witches.
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Bayonetta faces Temperantia, the second Cardinal Virtue who has been obstructing Bayonetta since her landing in the Crescent & Sunrise Valleys.
Bayonetta 2[]
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Rosa finding herself in Crescent Valley, goes to the sanctuary where she encounters Loptr, who fatally injures her as part of his plan to originally manipulate Balder. Balder and the older Bayonetta arrive too late, Balder failing to land a strike on Loptr as he disappears into the shadows. Balder finds out that Loki, who appears similar to Loptr's young form, is not responsible for her fatal injury. As Bayonetta pleads for Balder to travel to her time, Rosa, in her dying wish, asks for Balder to protect Cereza as she will awaken to her true potential as the Left Eye of the Eyes of the World.