Baldi's Basics Wiki
Baldi's Basics Wiki
Baldi's Basics Wiki
Upcoming icon Did you hear that? This article refers to upcoming content. The content may be changed over time based on the progress.
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I wonder what it could be for...

—Unused description

Expelling (or Suspend*) is an upcoming feature that will debut in Johnny's Store.


The expel feature was represented by a 3D-modeled brown gavel. The item could be first seen sitting on the top shelf, to the right of the map fill favor.

However, since V0.6, the brown gavel was removed in Johnny's Store, likely due to being unused before removal.


According to one of the Kickstarter posts, the expelling feature will let the player expel a character from the game.[1] However, it will not work on Baldi or Principal of the Thing, for obvious reasons.[2]


  • mystman12 has stated that the expelling feature will come later on, as there are currently only three floors in the game, with plans to add more.[3]



  1. ↑ "Want to expel a character you don't like from the school for the rest of the current game? With enough YTPs, you could do that!" - Kickstarter update #3
  2. ↑ "Well, no, not the Principal or Baldi. :P" - mystman12. August 2, 2018. Twitter
  3. ↑ "Expelling characters will probably come much later. Since currently there's only three levels, there really isn't much reason to expel characters. Once the game has more levels, expelling will become a higher priority." - Gmail

