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Bu fayl Vikianbarda yerləşir
Vikipediya, azad ensiklopediya

Faylın orijinalı (717 × 928 piksel, fayl həcmi: 67 KB, MIME növü: image/gif)

English: Seal of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, since 1970.
Mənbə http://tomcat.esat.kuleuven.be/GLYCENSIT/images/sedes_transparant.gif
Müəllif Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven
(Faylın təkrar istifadəsi)
Public domain
Public domain
The copyright of this image has expired in the European Union because it was published more than 70 years ago without a public claim of authorship (anonymous or pseudonymous), and no subsequent claim of authorship was made in the 70 years following its first publication.
To use this template, the image must meet both of the following two conditions:
  1. published over 70 years ago, and
  2. the original author's actual identity was not publicly disclosed in connection with this image within 70 years following its publication.

Images that lack either of these two conditions should not use this template.

Reasonable evidence must be presented that the author's name (e.g., the original photographer, portrait painter) was not published with a claim of copyright in conjunction with the image within 70 years of its original publication. Works which had not entered Public Domain in their country in 1996 that were uploaded before 1 March 2012 should be marked additionally with {{Not-PD-US-URAA}}.

Note: In some countries anonymous works are copyrighted until 70 years after the death of the author if the author's identity became public in any way during the original term. In Germany this applies to certain works published before July 1, 1995; see Übergangsrecht.

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təsvir edir

2 fevral 1970

Faylın tarixçəsi

Faylın əvvəlki versiyasını görmək üçün gün/tarix bölməsindəki tarixlərə klikləyin.

hal-hazırkı16:47, 24 aprel 201016:47, 24 aprel 2010 tarixindəki versiyanın miniatür görüntüsü717 × 928 (67 KB)Pieter Kuiperhigher resolution from http://tomcat.esat.kuleuven.be/GLYCENSIT/images/sedes_transparant.gif
06:41, 24 avqust 200906:41, 24 avqust 2009 tarixindəki versiyanın miniatür görüntüsü111 × 189 (7 KB)Unifac.ua{{GFDL-user-w|en:Wikipedia|Engelstalige Wikipedia|Phlebas}}

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