English: A detailed Robinson-projection SVG map with grouping enabled to connect all non-contiguous parts of a country's territory for easy colouring. Smaller countries can also be represented by larger circles to show their data easier. A thorough description of use and other instructions relating to can be found on the instruction page.
Bu təsvirin redaktəsi, orijinala əsaslanaraq rəqəmsal qaydadadır. Dəyişiklik: Création de la map de relations bilatérales. İlkin təsvir buradadır: BlankMap-World.svg. Redaktə etdi Varmin.
paylaşa bilərsiniz – əsəri köçürə, paylaya və ötürə bilərsiniz
remiks edə bilərsiniz – əsəri adaptasiya edə bilərsiniz
Aşağıdakı şərtlərə əməl etməklə:
istinad vermək – Müvafiq istinad verməli, lisenziyaya keçid əlavə etməli və dəyişikliklər edilib-edilmədiyini bildirməlisiniz . Siz bunu istənilən şəkildə edə bilərsiniz, lakin lisenziya verənin sizə şəxsən icazə verdiyini göstərən formada yox.
bənzər paylaşma – Əsəri remix edirsinizsə, dəyişdirirsinizsə və ya üzərində iş aparırsınızsa, öz töhfələrinizi orijinalda olduğu kimi eyni və ya uyğun lisenziya altında yayımlamalısınız.
2010-12-28T01:58:24Z Kintetsubuffalo 853x433 (1205378 Bytes) what are you talking about? nothing is cut off or squished
2010-12-28T00:28:42Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1631321 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 16:43, 27 October 2010
2010-12-19T20:10:58Z Tomchen1989 853x433 (1205378 Bytes) stroke-width of coast
2010-12-19T08:51:57Z Tomchen1989 853x433 (1205378 Bytes) minor change
2010-12-16T16:14:47Z Tomchen1989 853x433 (1205378 Bytes) radius of the circles changed
2010-12-14T22:57:20Z Tomchen1989 853x433 (1208461 Bytes) small fixed
2010-12-14T22:36:00Z Tomchen1989 853x433 (1208830 Bytes) had outside whitespace removed; cleaned the code; used tab indent
2010-10-27T16:43:23Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1631321 Bytes) fixed as part of discussion
2010-10-24T03:54:05Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1630960 Bytes) I fixed the code so it is valid
2010-10-10T22:06:16Z Canuckguy 940x477 (1630991 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 02:01, 18 September 2010 (Neth. Antilles removed, Sint Maarten and Curacao added, Bonaire part of "nl")
2010-09-18T02:01:50Z Canuckguy 940x477 (1630802 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 01:03, 9 July 2010. New version to be used October 10, 2010
2010-09-18T02:01:03Z Canuckguy 940x477 (1630991 Bytes) version with Sint Maarten and Curacao added, Bonaire as part of Netherlands, and Netherlands Antilles removed. To be used starting October 10, 2010
2010-07-09T01:03:28Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1630802 Bytes) after thinking about it, I think "aa" is better for the ocean than "zz"
2010-07-07T21:49:57Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1630805 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 20:25, 7 July 2010
2010-07-07T21:49:26Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1629207 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 16:45, 25 June 2010
2010-07-07T21:48:28Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1630623 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 16:51, 29 June 2010 checking
2010-07-07T21:47:19Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1630506 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 14:49, 1 July 2010 checking something
2010-07-07T20:25:43Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1630805 Bytes) added marker for Swaziland
2010-07-07T19:43:09Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1630656 Bytes) added the European Union
2010-07-01T14:49:16Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1630506 Bytes) minor mistake
2010-07-01T14:47:13Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1630506 Bytes) Created code for the French Southern and Antarctic Lands.
2010-06-29T16:51:08Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1630623 Bytes) minor code cleanup
2010-06-28T22:28:48Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1630576 Bytes) new version taking into account the unrecognized nations and using user-assigned code.
2010-06-28T20:16:10Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1630640 Bytes) added separate class for unrecognized nations, minor cleanup
2010-06-28T20:00:16Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1630500 Bytes) checking again
2010-06-28T18:57:05Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1630523 Bytes) Minor corrections involving lakes. Made a gap within South Africa where Lesotho should go.
2010-06-27T04:45:54Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1631933 Bytes) removed different coloring for Antarctica, as there is no real reason it should be in a different color, plus with the coloring changes recently made, the color used for Antarctica has no real difference.
2010-06-25T16:45:04Z Lokal Profil 940x477 (1629207 Bytes) Reverting to version from 17:47, April 18, 2010 but with Yug's colour change redone so as not to double the filesize (encoding seems to have changed)
2010-06-24T01:09:58Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (3261014 Bytes) minor correction
2010-06-23T16:55:45Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (3261008 Bytes) minor
2010-06-23T16:47:32Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (3261004 Bytes) removed separate color for Antarctica, made space in South Africa where Lesotho goes.
2010-05-24T09:39:16Z Yug 940x477 (3263974 Bytes) Grey move : B9B9B9 to E0E0E0 according to wikipedia convention.
2010-04-18T16:47:05Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1631986 Bytes) minor
2010-04-17T18:50:55Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1631960 Bytes) fixed lakes of Alaska
2010-04-11T16:37:33Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1632024 Bytes) added the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
2010-04-10T19:36:13Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1630753 Bytes) touched up Abkhazia and South Ossetia, added Pridnestrovie and Somaliland.
2010-01-02T20:38:23Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1630729 Bytes) Separated the South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands from the Falkland Islands (because they are two different entities). Also moved the Elephant Islands into Antarctica.
2009-11-27T19:47:29Z Lokal Profil 940x477 (1630524 Bytes) Minuscule fix to make northern Cyprus be coloured when Cyprus is coloured and Northern Cyprus isn't explicitly so.
2009-11-27T18:04:32Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1630535 Bytes) minor fix
2009-11-27T17:51:03Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1630539 Bytes) Added Northern Cyprus to the map using the method that Lokal Profil suggested.
2009-11-27T15:41:39Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1629682 Bytes) Fixed those ISO problems
2009-11-27T15:13:46Z Lokal Profil 940x477 (1626929 Bytes) Corrected ISO codes for areas included in fr and cn (leaving mainland fr as frx though)
2009-11-26T14:47:01Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1629733 Bytes) Minor mistake from previous version. I still used a word processor.
2009-11-26T14:45:14Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1629727 Bytes) Fixed some of the country codes using a word processor. This should be acceptable.
2009-11-26T10:44:47Z Lokal Profil 940x477 (1626926 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 00:38, 26 November 2009, newest upload reintoroduced some of the Inkscape junk code and broke the CSS classes in the US.
2009-11-26T02:23:41Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1676807 Bytes) fixed some code mistakes from reuploading, nothing major
2009-11-26T00:38:19Z Lokal Profil 940x477 (1626926 Bytes) Going back to revision from 21:17, October 15, 2009. Then removed lakes and added Norfolk Island and Tokelau. This should correct the misstakes in the class tags in the most recent uploads and remove the inkscape junk code.
2009-11-25T22:55:56Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1807366 Bytes) minor fixes
{{Information |Description={{en|1=A detailed Robinson-projection SVG map with grouping enabled to connect all non-contiguous parts of a country's territory for easy colouring. Smaller countries can also be represented by larger circles to sho