Sow's Horn

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Sow's Horn
Location Crownlands
Government House Hogg, feudal lord
Religion Faith of the Seven

Sow's Horn is the seat of House Hogg in the crownlands. It consists of a towerhouse made of stone whose walls are eight feet thick. It stands over land sworn to House Hayford. Sow's Horn sits near the border between the crownlands and the riverlands and is near the lands of House Wode.[1]

The crownlands and the location of Sow's Horn
The crownlands and the location of Sow's Horn
Sow's Horn
The crownlands and the approximate location of Sow's Horn

Recent Events

A Feast for Crows

Ser Jaime Lannister leads his force past Sow's Horn. He meets with Ser Roger Hogg, the head of the household, who tells him that during the War of the Five Kings he was attacked by lions (Lannister men under the command of Ser Amory Lorch) who attempted to burn Sow's Horn. There was further fighting at Sow's Horn when the Hoggs were attacked by white star wolves (Karstark men in search of Jaime). Roger shelters six men-at-arms, four crossbowmen, and a score of peasants in his towerhouse.[1]

Behind the Scenes

Sow's Horn may be a reference by George R. R. Martin to the story Three Little Pigs. The earth and timber halls of the brothers Wode are burned down by raiders, but the stout stone of Sow's Horn resists Amory Lorch.


  1. 1.0 1.1 A Feast for Crows, Chapter 27, Jaime III.