Mother's Men

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The Mother's Men is a company of fighting men formed in Meereen. Its members are all former slaves, known as freedmen, who are loyal to Daenerys Targaryen. Their commander is Marselen, an Unsullied brother of Missandei.[1][2]

Recent events

A Dance with Dragons

A boy of the the slaver class petitions Daenerys to have one of his father's former slaves, who had joined the Mother's Men, hanged for the rape and murder of his mother. Daenerys refuses as she had decreed a full pardon for all crimes committed during the sack of Meereen.[3]

When Hizdahr zo Loraq and a number of pit fighters petition Daenerys to reopen the fighting pits, Daenerys proposes the fighters to swear their swords to one of the companies of freedmen, including the Mother's Men. The pit fighters refuse.[4]

To aid her in ruling Meereen, Daenerys assembles a council formed by the leaders of each of the factions supporting her. Marselen is the representative of the Mother's Men.[5]

The Winds of Winter

This information has thus far been released in a sample chapter for The Winds of Winter, and might therefore not be in finalized form. Keep in mind that the content as described below is still subject to change.

When the Second Siege of Meereen turns into battle, the Mother's Men soon break the Long Lances like a rotten stick and drag the Ghost of Astapor trebuchet over with chains.[6]
