Cider Hall

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Cider Hall
Location Reach, Westeros
Government House Fossoway, feudal lord
Religion Faith of the Seven
The Reach and the location of Cider Hall
The Reach and the location of Cider Hall
Cider Hall
The Reach and the location of Cider Hall

Cider Hall is the seat of House Fossoway of Cider Hall in the Reach. It is located near the confluence of the Cockleswhent and the Mander.[1] The castle is named after the alcoholic beverage.


Florence Fossoway, the wife of Lord Martyn Tyrell, became skilled at numbers by counting apples as a child.[2]

According to Ser Franklyn Flowers, a bastard, his mother was a washerwoman at Cider Hall who was raped by one of Ser Fossoway's sons.[3][4]


  1. A Dance with Dragons, Map of the South
  2. Fire & Blood, The Long Reign - Jaehaerys and Alysanne - Policy, Progeny, and Pain.
  3. A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 24, The Lost Lord.
  4. Flowers says «one of milord's sons», which is inaccurate, because the Fossoways of Cider Hall have been a knightly house at least since 209 AC.