Archon's green-haired daughter

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Tyrosh.svgArchon's green-haired daughterTyrosh.svg
Allegiance Archon of Tyrosh
Culture Tyroshi
Book A Feast for Crows (mentioned)

The Archon's green-haired daughter was the daughter of the Archon of Tyrosh during the reign of King Robert Baratheon.[1] Her given name is unknown.

Appearance and Character

The Archon's daughter has dyed green hair. As a child, she was good at the shoulder-riding game in the pools of the Water Gardens.[1]


Doran Martell, Prince of Dorne, planned to send his young daughter, Arianne, to Tyrosh to serve as a cupbearer to the Archon of Tyrosh, and to secretly meet with her betrothed, Prince Viserys Targaryen. The Archon's green-haired daughter was sent to Dorne in exchange for Arianne. However, Doran abandoned the plan due to suicidal threats from Arianne's mother Mellario, who was already deeply upset that her son Quentyn had been sent away to be fostered.[1]

Arianne was left ignorant of the plan and of her secret betrothal, and played with the Archon's green-haired daughter in the pools of the Water Gardens, though she did not know the girl's parentage. When they played the shoulder-riding game, if Arianne rode the shoulders of her friend Garin, nobody could defeat them, not even Nymeria Sand and the Archon's green-haired daughter.[1]

Recent Events

A Feast for Crows

Prince Doran Martell reminisces to his daughter Arianne about how she used to play in the pools of the Water Gardens when she was a child. When Arianne mentions she used to play with a green-haired Tyroshi girl, Doran says that she was the Archon's daughter, and that Arianne was supposed to have been sent to Tyrosh in her place, to meet with her betrothed. Arianne, confused, asks if her missing brother Quentyn has gone to Tyrosh to court the Archon's daughter. Doran then confesses the truth of the secret marriage pact between Arianne and Viserys Targaryen; and that due to Viserys's death, Quentyn has gone to Slaver's Bay to court Daenerys Targaryen.[1]


Arianne: When I rode Garin no one could defeat us, not even Nym and that green-haired Tyroshi girl.
Doran: That green-haired girl was the Archon's daughter. I was to have sent you to Tyrosh in her place. You would have served the Archon as a cupbearer and met with your betrothed in secret, but your mother threatened to harm herself if I stole another of her children, and I... I could not do that to her.[1]

Is that where Quentyn's gone? To Tyrosh, to court the Archon's green-haired daughter?[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 A Feast for Crows, Chapter 40, Princess In The Tower.