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Tyro was the wise and courageous leader of a rural Earth Kingdom mining village and the father of Haru.


Early life and imprisonment[]

In 94 AG, the Fire Nation attacked Tyro's town. Tyro and his fellow earthbenders were outnumbered ten to one, but nonetheless fought back bravely. They were ultimately defeated, however, and subsequently detained in an offshore prison rig, constructed entirely from metal, thereby preventing them from earthbending. Tyro remained a leader and an inspiration to his people, even during their depressing imprisonment.[2]

Tyro worked hard to keep the prisoners alive throughout their captivity. Unwilling to engage in hopeless combat on a prison rig without earth to bend, he did not favor open resistance with his captors.[1] This stance was reinforced by the brutal punishments inflicted on resisting prisoners by the cruel warden. Tyro ultimately concluded that just trying to survive was the only viable option.[1][3] Eventually, he lost hope in escaping the prison. After five years of confinement, however, his son Haru was also brought to the prison rig, soon followed by Katara. The latter had infiltrated the prison with the aid of Avatar Aang and Sokka, and attempted to convince Tyro to plan a breakout. The experienced earthbender responded that they could only try to survive. Even when Katara held a passionate speech, her hopeful persuasion to mutiny failed to goad him to battle the Fire Nation soldiers.[1]


Tyro and Haru

Tyro and Haru fought together to defeat the prison warden.

The situation later changed once Avatar Aang funnelled a large of amount of coal into the prisoners' quarters, thus providing the inmates with a source of earth. Though Tyro was still reluctant to risk his comrades' lives in an uprising, his son actually used the chance to attack the warden. As Haru showed a willingness to fight, Tyro shed his reluctance and helped lead the fight for freedom. He coordinated the prisoners to simultaneously hold off the guards, while breaking the gate to the docking area. In the midst of the battle, Tyro and Haru also defeated the warden and threw him into the sea. Afterward, the rebels captured several ferries to fled to the mainland alongside Team Avatar. Tyro used the opportunity to declare his intentions to defeat the Fire Nation military and take back his village.[1][4]

After parting ways with Team Avatar, Tyro reorganized his followers into a militia dubbed half-jokingly "Team Tyro". The group decided that the prison rig's existence would continue to pose a threat to any Earth Kingdom citizens of the nearby lands. Thus, Tyro armed his forces and led an attack to capture his former prison. Though the militia captured the rig's lower levels, the prison guards were soon reinforced by more Fire Nation troops. The warden was able to hold out in the rig's lower levels, resulting in a stalemate. The rebels' cause was boosted, however, when a Earth Kingdom Army unit under Boqin joined the battle. When these troops arrived, Tyro expressed his gratitude for their support and explained the tactical situation.[4]

As Boqin ordered a major attack to break the Fire Nation defenders, Haru took his father to the side. The young men expressed his insecurities over the life as a militiaman. Tyro was touched by his son's words, and explained his regrets over the fact that he had not been able to protect him from a life of violence. However, he inspired Haru by stating that they were fighting so that no future earthbenders would have to do what they were doing now. The two then joined the assault. Alongside their allies, they defeated several groups of Fire Nation soldiers and saved a wounded Earth Kingdom trooper.[4]

Haru, Tyro, and Boqin fight on the prison rig

Tyro, Haru, and Boqin, battled the warden's remaining forces.

After reaching the rig's upper areas, Tyro and his comrades repeatedly made supplies runs to provide the fighters on the frontline with earth. Eventually, the militia reached the entry area to the rig's headquarters, finding it closed shut. To open the gate, the group sought keys held by the Fire Nation officers. At the barracks, they discovered one of these officers, Juro, as he was tending to wounded troops. Much to the rebels' surprise, Juro was generally friendly and initially unwilling to fight them. Seeing that violence may not be neccessary, Tyro unsuccessfully attempted to convince Juro to hand over his keys. Thus, violence still erupted and the militia defeated Juro's forces. As the dust settled, Tyro declared that "ultimately, you just can't trust the Fire Nation" as Juro had seemed nice but still refused to cooperate. At the armory, the rebels found the second key in the possession of Goro who immediately attacked them, but was overpowered.[4]

With the keys in their hands, the rebels opened the gate and advanced toward the headquarters. In doing so, they were reinforced by Boqin himself. Upon arriving at a metal bridge, however, they saw the warden alone. The cruel overseer was waiting at the other side, taunting them. Enraged, Boqin's men attacked, but the warden blew up the bridge and injured many of the Earth Kingdom soldiers including Boqin. Despite this setback, Tyro's militants resolved to keep pushing. They brought more earth from their ships and created a makeshift rock bridge to finally get to the warden. Before facing him, however, Haru asked his father whether he was ready, considering that their opponent had brutalized him for years. Tyro expressed his willingness to fight, and the insurgents attacked the warden's last forces. After a hard battle, they defeated the Fire Nation troops. Tyro and Haru bonded over their success, and also talked about how thankful they were of Team Avatar for restoring their hope.[4]

After their victory at the prison rig, Boqin assumed responsibility for the platform so that the rebels could return home.[4] Tyro and his son subsequently helped to liberate their village from Fire Nation control,[5] along with many others, as part of the spreading rebellions in occupied Earth Kingdom territories.[6]

Day of Black Sun[]

Invasion Tyro

Tyro participated in the invasion of the Fire Nation.

In the summer of 100 AG, Tyro, Haru, and other earthbenders were brought by Hakoda and his battalion of Southern Water Tribe warriors to the Black Cliffs.[5] The small army invaded the Fire Nation during the solar eclipse. After Aang failed to defeat the Fire Lord, the submarines were destroyed and the invasion force became stranded. The younger ones, including Haru, were sent to escape with Aang on Appa while the older warriors, Tyro included, stayed behind and were taken captive.[7]

Tyro was freed from imprisonment when the Hundred Year War ended and reunited with Haru.[8]


Tyro was a courageous man, and he actively fought to protect that which he cared about. This attribute is exhibited by the way he helped defend his village from the Fire Nation,[2][1] even though he was severely outnumbered, and the way he helped free himself from the prison rig. He was also a good and loving father, highly revered by his son, Haru.[1][4] Tyro valued his son's safety over his own and was willing to sacrifice even his own freedom for his son's sake.[2]

However, the harsh years in prison temporarily broke some of his spirit. In this period, Tyro focused on keeping the other inmates alive and sacrificed his hopes of freedom.[1][3] Inspired by Team Avatar as well as Haru, Tyro later reevaluated his values after the prison uprising; from this point onward, he believed that only a free life was worth living for.[4][9] In this regard, he was also willing to allow Haru to make his own choices, even if these put his son in danger.[4]



Tyro was able to use earth compression, an ability he shared with his son, Haru.

Tyro was a skilled earthbender. He was able to create a wall of coal, easily blocking the warden's fire blast. In addition, he and four other earthbenders, including Haru, created a shield strong enough to withstand a combined blast from several firebenders. Together, he and Haru were able to compress a large amount of coal into a single projectile, a difficult feat to accomplish. He was also a capable teacher, having personally taught his son earthbending, eventually helping him become a proficient earthbender.[1][4]


Haru's mother


Avatar: The Last Airbender[]

Book One: Water (水)[]

Book Three: Fire (火)[]

Avatar games[]


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 Hubbard, Matthew (writer) & Filoni, Dave (director). (March 25, 2005). "Imprisoned". Avatar: The Last Airbender. Season 1. Episode 6. Nickelodeon.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 From older Avatar: The Last Airbender official site, originally on Nick.com. Encyclopedia now broken, archived at The Lost Lore of Avatar Aang - Character: Tyro.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Messages, Avatar: Generations. Navigator Games & Square Enix Mobile London (August 11, 2022). Square Enix.
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 "Prison Rig", Avatar: Generations. Navigator Games & Square Enix Mobile London (July 4, 2023). Square Enix.
  5. 5.0 5.1 DiMartino, Michael Dante (writer) & Volpe, Giancarlo (director). (November 30, 2007). "The Day of Black Sun, Part 1: The Invasion". Avatar: The Last Airbender. Season 3. Episode 10. Nickelodeon.
  6. From older Avatar: The Last Airbender official site, originally on Nick.com. Encyclopedia now broken, archived at The Lost Lore of Avatar Aang - Chapter Ten: The Day of Black Sun Part 1 - The Invasion.
  7. Ehasz, Aaron (writer) & Dos Santos, Joaquim (director). (November 30, 2007). "The Day of Black Sun, Part 2: The Eclipse". Avatar: The Last Airbender. Season 3. Episode 11. Nickelodeon.
  8. DiMartino, Michael Dante, Konietzko, Bryan (writers) & Dos Santos, Joaquim (director). (July 19, 2008). "Sozin's Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang". Avatar: The Last Airbender. Season 3. Episode 21. Nickelodeon.
  9. Heroes quotes, Avatar: Generations. Navigator Games & Square Enix Mobile London (August 11, 2022). Square Enix.