"The Scarecrow" is one of the comics featured in Team Avatar Tales.
Team Avatar rescues a pumpkin farmer waylaid by monsters.
Team Avatar are out walking one night, when Momo wanders into a pumpkin patch. Aang asks Momo if he smells something, to which Katara jokes it might be Sokka. Sokka much to his dismay, claims that he does not smell bad, and them sniffs himself changing his opinions to that he does not small "that" bad. Momo reaches for a pumpkin, and Toph senses that something is wrong. Sokka is worried that she is going to tell him how bad he smells too, when a figure suddenly appears behind him. The figure is wielding a sword, and calls Momo a monster, threatening he would teach him to steal all his pumpkins. Aang airbends the figure away, while Katara waterbends his sword out of his hands. The man lands next to Sokka, who assures the group that it is just an old man. He sniffs him and claims that he also smells bad.

After Aang starts arguing with the farmer over calling Momo a monster, Katara intervenes.
Katara offers him a hand and says she will pretend like he did not just try to chop off their heads. The farmer yells that he knew that them and their monsters would come back to eat the rest of his pumpkins. When Katara tries to explain that they do not have any monsters, he accuses Momo of being a monster. Aang becomes upset, cradling Momo and telling the farmer that Momo is his buddy, not a monster. While the two begin to argue, Katara jumps between them to intervene. The farmer explains that a bunch of tiny monsters had eaten his pumpkins, and Katara assures him that Team Avatar will get to the bottom of it. Aang happily agrees, Toph sarcastically responds that it sounds better than getting food and going to sleep, and Sokka eagerly states that he is not scared, and that he usually does the scaring, which gives Katara an idea.
Later, the group has mounted Sokka up on a pole, dressed as a scarecrow. Sokka admits that he is scared and changed his mind. Katara and Toph assure him that he will be fine, and Katara then asks to buy some of the farmer's pumpkins. he points to a hole in the ground where he hid some pumpkins, and the group places them around Sokka. Katara believes something is missing, and Aang suggests a jack-o-lantern. Toph uses earthbends a sharp rock and carves a face into it. Sokka refuses to put it on his head, but Aang places it on him anyway while he, Katara, Toph, and the farmer go to hide in a hole that Toph creates.

As a scarecrow, Sokka involuntarily manages to scare the raccoon-crows.
Suddenly, a group of raccoon-crows appear around the farm. Sokka jokes that he is getting "gourd" out here, before a bee flies into the jack-o-lantern head while the raccoon-crows surround him. Sokka begins to panic and flail when he sees the bee, which scares the racoon-crows. As he continues to thrash around, Katara shoos off the raccoon-crows. The farmer is overjoyed, but fears that the racoon-crows will come back. Katara jokingly suggests that the farmer can keep Sokka, which angers him.
The next day, Team Avatar has set up a scarecrow that's connected to a watermill, to make it constantly moving. Aang demonstrates what happens when a gust of wind hits it, and the scarecrow flies into the air, being secured to the ground by ropes. The farmer thanks them, and offers for them to come back anytime they need pumpkins, and serves them some pumpkin pie.
Production notes[]
- Main article: Transcript:The Scarecrow