- For the game with a similar title, Arena.
Avatar: Legends of the Arena was a 3D MMO game connected to Avatar: The Last Airbender released by Nick.com on September 15, 2008. Players had the opportunity to create their own characters and compete against players in several 3D arenas. With each new level of play, players will unlock new material.
First, players of the game will need to select a "mode of play", which includes the online play, which allows one to play against other opponents, as well as a training mode of play, wherein the player must complete a task to gain "experience points". Before playing, a player will need a bender and a name. All the gaming elements are available, though it does not allow one to select swordsman, archers or any other kind of warriors. The bender is also customizable, as the game settings allow customization of the hair, clothesline, gender and accessories. Clothing and hair differ for genders, but the appearance is purely cosmetic, and has no effect on the gameplay.
The customization continues with the ability to change a character's bending moves. A player will have eight moves with four equipped ones. These moves are all unlocked at the start of the game, but can advance in rank as they progress and as their level increases, the items will change, helping their stats increase with a limit of three items equipped. Eight other items also exist in a player's storage, and can be unlocked having an item that can only be acquired by doing a set amount of matches on online play, or by reaching a certain level. Some unlocked content cannot be bought in the store, as each element has a store with items specific to the element. When this is all in check, the save icon will have some light around it, and save it for future gaming use.
Training can also be done prior to fighting as a way to add moves and unlock new things. They are four types of training exercises which mostly involve accuracy, when playing there will be snakes at the wall of the arena that will shoot at the player with either earth, fire, water or air, which could kill the character and thus make the player fail training. The types of training are Tiger Strike, Serpent Strike, Eagle Eyes and Lotus Mind.
Tiger Strike - One has to shoot icons of the bending arts in a determined time, depending the specific element that is given to them in each training of this type. The icons are located in different parts of the arena.
Serpent Strike - One has to shoot as many icons as they can before the time ends. The number of icons defeated indicates the experience points they earn for the training.
Eagle Eyes - The player has to defeat dummies of some major bender characters, namely Aang, Katara, Toph and Zuko, in a determined time. The number of dummies they attack indicates the experience points they earn for the training.
Lotus Mind - The player has to shoot icons according a sequence that is given to them in a determined time. The number of parts of the sequence is defined by the level they are.
Bending and experience points[]
Bending Points are rewarded when a player wins a level. When one passes a level, they get three Bending Points. With these points, one can increase the Power, Toughness, Spirit and/or Control level of their character.
Experience points are accumulated through battles and trainings in the arena. These points are what make the player's character more powerful. The levels are separated by a specific amount of points according to the experience.
Inner strengths[]
These affect the health and the chi. They also influence the precision, control and speed of the character:
- Power - Power Bonus: Damage and Natural Defense
- Toughness - Toughness Bonus: Health and Natural Defense
- Spirit - Spirit Bonus: Chi and Damage
- Control - Control Bonus: Chi and Health
Bending moves[]
Eight Bending Moves are given to the player at the start. There are six ranks of Bending Moves according to the level. The Chi Cost, the Damage per second and the Range depend of the rank. The bending moves will become stronger when their rank goes up:
- Rank 1: Level 1-6
- Rank 2: Level 7-13
- Rank 3: Level 14-20
- Rank 4: Level 21-32
- Rank 5: Level 33-43
- Rank 6: Level 44-50
General moves[]
- Regeneration: The Chi Cost and the Duration depend of the bending move rank. Health per second: 8. Cool Down Time: 50.0 sec.
- Move: The Chi Cost and the Duration depend of the bending move rank. Range: 10. Cool Down Time: 0.7 sec.
These attacks are made in a straight line in front of the character:
- Water Arrow - Cool down time: 0.5 sec.
- Ice Strip - Cool down time: 3.0 sec.
- Water Ball - Cool down time: 6.0 sec.
- Stone Fist - Cool down time: 0.5 sec.
- Earth Strip - Cool down time: 3.0 sec.
- Boulder - Cool down time: 6.0 sec.
- Fire Ball - Cool down time: 0.5 sec.
- Fire Wall - Cool down time: 3.0 sec.
- Fire Missile - Cool down time: 6.0 sec.
- Air Blade - Cool down time: 0.5 sec.
- Air Blast - Cool down time: 3.0 sec.
- Pushed Scooter - Cool down time: 6.0 sec.
Area effects[]
These attacks affect more than one player at a time. Not limited to the ground.
- Water Whips - Cool Down Time: 8.0 sec.
- Pillar Raise - Cool Down Time: 8.0 sec.
- Flame Serpent - Cool Down Time: 8.0 sec.
- Air Bubble - Cool Down Time: 8.0 sec.
Ground area effects[]
The area effect of these attacks are limited to the ground:
- Tsunami - Cool Down Time: 8.0 sec.
- Earthquake - Cool Down Time: 8.0 sec.
- Flame Swirl - Cool Down Time: 8.0 sec.
- Cyclone - Cool Down Time: 8.0 sec.
Cone Powers
- Ice Shards - Cool Down Time: 3.0 sec.
- Dust Blow - Cool Down Time: 3.0 sec.
- Flame Blast - Cool Down Time: 3.0 sec.
- Air Cone - Cool Down Time: 3.0 sec.
The four actual characters that are playable are the members of Team Avatar.
Airbenders - When playing as an airbender, the menu is yellow. The unlockable character in the actual version of the game is Aang, but he can not go into the Avatar State, and can only airbend.
Earthbenders - When playing as an earthbender, the menu is green. The unlockable character in the actual version of the game is Toph.
Firebenders - When playing as a firebender, the menu is red. The unlockable character in the actual version of the game is Zuko, while he was still a villain.
Waterbenders - When playing as a waterbender, the menu is blue. The unlockable character in the actual version of the game is Katara.
The arena[]
The arena, or arenas, are three circles made of earth with moats that run around the gaps, banners that hang on the walls, and torches and snake statues that only appear in training. The snake statues can fire a missile of the elements. If taken lightly, they can be dangerous. Since they are moats that separate the arenas a jumping spot is put at the very end, strategies have been made from the use of these three arenas so that a low level could defeat a high level, sometimes Appa is seen during a battle outside the arena, but that has no effect on gameplay.
A player's inventory can hold up to ten items, and the character can be outfitted with up to three of those items. Identical single-use items used in combat or training can be stacked. Potions and bread are examples of single-use items that can be used in training or combat. When the player acquires a new item, it is automatically added to the inventory.
Reward system[]
Items are given sometimes to the players after battles, according to the result of it. There are five different types of items: Rare and Unique Items can be easily obtained by destroying over 100 dummies on Eagle Eyes.
- Common Items: These items are commonly found. They are not worth much, but they may come in handy.
- Uncommon Items: Less common, but more powerful.
- Rare Items: These items are rarely found. They are worth a lot and have a huge impact on the performance.
- Unique Items: These are items that Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph and Zuko have used.
- Aang: Aang's staff - 1000 gold - +1 Power; +3 Spirit; +6 Control; +8 Natural Defense; +3000 Bonus Experience
- Katara: Katara's necklace - 1000 gold - +10 Power; +4 Spirit; +2 Control; +3000 Bonus Experience
- Sokka: Sokka's Space Metal Sword - 200000 gold - +8 Power; +6 Spirit; +8 Control; +8 Natural Defense
- Toph: Toph's Fire Nation Dress - 1000 gold - +7 Power; +4 Natural Defense; +3000 Bonus Experience
- Zuko: Zuko's Noble Headgear - 1000 gold - +5 Power; +12 spirit; +5 Natural Defense; +3000 Bonus Experience
Relics are the most potent items found in the game. These are items and weapons have been used by previous Avatars throughout their lives. Relics have been used by Avatars such as Roku, Kyoshi, Kuruk, and Yangchen. Their worth is beyond imagination and their powers are legendary.
Gold is the currency used when buying and selling items. In a nation's store, the player can buy and sell items that will help in the arena. There are four types of store: Air Nomad Store, Water Tribe Store, Earth Kingdom Store and Fire Nation Store.
List of items[]
List of common and uncommon items[]
Four nations[]
- Fruit of Health - 10 gold - +10% Health - Single Use: use during combat or training
- Fruit of Chi - 10 gold - +10% Chi - Single Use: use during combat or training
- Fruit of Cosmic Chi - 30 gold - +20% Chi - Single Use: use during combat or training
- Bandage - 30 gold - +20% Health - Single Use: use during combat or training
- Orange Bread - 30 gold - +20% Chi - Single Use: use during combat or training
- Meat - 35 gold - +25% Chi - Single Use: use during combat or training
- Bread - 35 gold - +25% Health - Single Use: use during combat or training
- Fruit of Internal Balance - 40 gold - 15% Health; 15% Chi - Single Use: use during combat or training
- Fish - 40 gold - 15% Health; 15% Chi - Single Use: use during combat or training
- Cosmic Fruit - 50 gold - +20% Health; +20% Chi - Single Use: use during combat or training
- Small Coat - 50 gold - +2 Power; +1 Natural Defense - Enhance defense level
- Power Necklace - 60 gold - +2 Power - Enhance power level
- Defense Necklace - 60 gold - +15 Health; +1 Natural Defense - Enhance defense level
- Health - 60 gold - +50% Health - Single Use: use during combat or training
- Chi Vial - 60 gold - +50% Chi - Single Use: Use during combat or training
- Coat - 100 gold - +2 Toughness; +2 Control - Great starting defense
- Yellow Bread - 100 gold - +25% Health; +25% Chi - Single Use: Use during combat or training
- Bandana - 100 gold - +2 Toughness; +2 Spirit - Great starting defense
- Bracers of Power - 150 gold - +2 Power; +3 Natural Defense - Protects one from damages from all sources
- Long Coat - 150 gold - +2 Toughness; +3 Control - Great starting defense
- Ragtag Armor - 150 gold - +2 Power; +2 Natural Defense - Enhance defense level
- Sandals - 150 gold - +2 Toughness; +3 Control; +1 Natural Defense - Enhance control level
- Turban - 150 gold - +2 Toughness; +2 Natural Defense - Protects one from damage from all sources
- Shoulder Armor - 150 gold - +30 Health; +2 Natural Defense - Enhance defense level
- Writing Brushes - 200 gold - *500 Bonus Experience - This will help on a player's path to achieve the master rank
- Teapot - 200 gold - +5 Toughness; +6 Spirit; +3000 Bonus Experience - The very same teapot used by Iroh
- Silver Potion of Chi - 200 gold - +70% Chi - Single Use: Use during combat or training
- Silver Potion of Health - 200 gold - +70% Health - Single Use: Use during combat or training
- Golden Potion of Health - 300 gold - +90% Health - Single Use: Use during combat or training
- Golden Potion of Chi - 300 gold - +90% Chi - Single Use: Use during combat or training
- Bell of Accuracy - 400 gold - +5 Spirit; +3 Control - A must to those who wants to work on their chi
- Noble Headgear - 400 gold - +2 Spirit; +3 Control; +3 Natural Defense - Enhance defense level
- Boots - 400 gold - +2 Control; +3 Natural Defense - Enhance defense level
- Tunic - 400 gold - +4 Toughness; +1 Natural Defense - Greatly enhance toughness level
- Armor - 400 gold - +4 Power; +2 Natural Defense - Greatly enhance defense level
- Gloves of Health - 400 gold - +45 Health; +1 Spirit - Enhance health level
- Silver Vial - 400 gold - +70% Chi; +70% Health - Single Use: Use during combat or training
- Golden Vial - 500 gold - +90% Chi; +90% Health - Single Use: Use during combat or training
- Jade Necklace of Accuracy - 1000 gold - +7 Control - Greatly enhance accuracy level
- Jade Necklace of Power - 1000 gold - +6 Power - Greatly enhance power level
- Skull Helmet - 1000 gold - +8 Power - Greatly enhance power level
- Strong Helmet - 1000 gold - +3 Natural Defense - Greatly enhance defense level
- Fur Face Protector - 1000 gold - +2 Spirit; +3 Natural Defense - Greatly enhance defense level
- Jade Necklace of Balance - 1000 gold - +7 Control - Greatly enhance balance level
- Attack Necklace - 1000 gold - +6 Power - Enhance attack level
- Crystal - 1000 gold - +6 Spirit; +1 Natural Defense - Brings one in harmony with themselves
- Brestplate - 1000 gold - +5 Natural Defense - Unbelievable defense
- Mask - 1000 gold - +5 Spirit; +5 Defense against fire - Protects one from fire damage
- Ring of Bronze - 1000 gold - +2 Power; +5 Control; +3 Natural Defense - Greatly enhance balance
- Bronze necklace of Health - 2000 gold - +300 Health; +1 Natural defense - Gives the player lots of health
Air Nomads[]
- Air Nation Book - 1000 Bonus Experience
- Control Boots - 50 gold - +1 Toughness; +2 Control - Greatly enhance control level
- Sandals - 50 gold - +1 Toughness; +2 Control - Enhance control level
- Gloves of Balance - 50 gold - +1 Natural Defense - Enhance balance level
- Bracers of Power - 50 gold - +1 Power; +3 Defense against earth - Protects one from air damage
- Air Nation Necklace - 50 gold - +2 Power; +2 Natural Defense - Special Air Nation necklace
- Air Scroll - 100 gold - +300 Bonus Experience - This will help on the player's path to achieve the airbender master rank
- Airbender Necklace - 100 gold - +2 Toughness; +3 Defense against earth - Only benders may use this
- Air Scroll Case - 200 gold - +10 Defense Against Air - +500 Bonus Experience
- Shirt of Protection - 300 gold - +2 Toughness; +5 Defense against water - Protects one from water damage
- Monk Robes - 400 gold - +4 power - +5 defense - +5,000 Bonus Experience
- Air Necklace - 400 gold - +1 Control; +2 Natural Defense - Enhance defense level
- White Crystal of Power - 400 gold - +3 Power - Enhance power level
- Ring of White Crystal - 400 gold - +3 Control; +4 Defense against air - Enhance balance
- Yellow Pearl - 1000 gold - +5 Defense against air - Enhance defense level
Water Tribes[]
- Power Boots - 50 gold - +1 Power; +1 Toughness - Greatly enhance power level
- Gloves of Control - 50 gold - +1 Control - Enhance control level
- Bracers of Power - 50 gold - +1 Power; +3 Defense against air - Protects one from air damage
- Water Nation Necklace - 50 gold - +2 Power; +2 Defense against fire - Special water nation necklace
- Sandals - 50 gold - +1 Toughness; +2 Control - Enhance control level
- Water Scroll - 100 gold - +300 Bonus Experience - This will help on the player's path to achieve the waterbender master rank
- Waterbender Necklace - 100 gold - +2 Spirit; +2 Defense against air - Only benders mat use this
- Water Tribe Betrothal necklace of Chi - 100 gold - +20 Chi - Enhance chi level
- Waterbending scroll Case - 200 gold - +10 Defense against water; +500 Bonus Experience
- Shirt of Protection - 300 gold - +2 Toughness; +5 Defense against fire - Protects one from fire damage
- Ring of Blue Crystal - 400 gold - +2 Spirit; +3 Control; +4 Defense against water - Enhance balance
- Fur Scarf - 400 gold - +3 Toughness; +5 Defense against fire - Protects one from fire damage
- Blue Crystal of Balance - 400 gold - +1 Spirit; +3 Control - Enhance balance level
- Water Tribe Betrothal necklace of Power - 400 gold - +3 Power; +2 Natural Defense - Enhance power level
- Water Tribe Betrothal necklace of Balance - 400 gold - +3 Control; +2 Natural Defense - Enhance balance
- Blue Pearl - 1000 gold - +5 Defense against earth - Enhance defense level
- Water Tribe Betrothal necklace of Control - 1000 gold - +7 Control - Greatly enhance control level
- Water Tribe Betrothal necklace of Health - 1000 gold - +150 Health - Greatly enhance health level
Earth Kingdom[]
- Spirit Boots - 50 gold - +1 Toughness; +2 Spirit - Greatly enhance spirit level
- Gloves of Spirit - 50 gold - +35 Chi - Enhance spirit level
- Bracers of Power - 50 gold - +1 Power; +3 Defense against fire - Protects one against fire
- Sandals - 50 gold - +1 Toughness; +2 Control - Enhance control level
- Earth Nation Necklace - 70 gold - +40 Chi; +1 Natural Defense - Special Earth Nation Necklace
- Earth Scroll - 100 gold - +300 Bonus Experience - This will help the player on their path to achieve the earthbender master rank
- Earthbender Necklace - 100 gold - +40 Health; +3 Power - Only benders may use this
- Earth Belt - 150 gold - +2 Toughness; +2 Control; +3 Defense against water - Enhance defense level
- Earth Bracers - 150 gold - +2 Toughness; +2 Spirit; +3 Defense against air - Enhance defense level
- Shirt of Protection - 300 gold - +2 Toughness; +5 Defense against air - Protects one from air damage
- Green Crystal of Control - 400 gold - +3 Control - Enhance control level
- Earthbender Belt - 400 gold - +3 Power; +2 Toughness; +3 Defense against earth - Greatly enhance defense level
- Pants - 400 gold - +2 Power; +1 Toughness; +2 Natural Defense - Greatly enhance toughness level
- Earthbender Bracers - 400 gold - +2 Toughness; +3 Control; +3 Defense against fire - Greatly enhance defense level
- Earth Headgear - 400 gold - +2 Toughness; +3 Spirit; +1 Natural Defense - Enhance defense level
- Helmet - 1000 gold - +5 Toughness; +1 Natural Defense - A very strong defense
- Green Pearl - 1000 gold - +5 Defense against fire - Enhance defense level
Fire Nation[]
- Balance Boots - 50 gold - +1 Spirit; +2 Control - Greatly enhance balance level
- Sandals - 50 gold - +1 Toughness; +2 Control - Enhance control level
- Bracers of Power - 50 gold - +1 Power; +3 Defense against water - Protects one from water damage
- Gloves of Power - 50 gold - +1 Power - Enhance power level
- Fire Nation Necklace - 50 gold - +2 Spirit; +2 Defense against water - Special Fire Nation necklace
- Fire Pendant of Health - 70 gold - +20 Health; +1 Natural Defense - Enhance health level
- Firebender Necklace - 100 gold - +2 Power; +2 Defense against air - Only benders may use this
- Fire Scroll - 100 gold - +300 Bonus Experience - This will help the player on their path to achieve the firebender master rank
- Fire Pendant of Power - 120 gold - +3 Power - Enhance power level
- Fire Nation Shoes - 150 gold - +2 Toughness; +3 Control; +3 Defense against fire - Enhance toughness level
- Shirt of Protection - 300 gold - +2 Toughness; +5 Defense against earth - Protects one from earth damage
- Fire Pendant of Chi - 300 gold - +60 Chi - Enhance chi level
- Fire Pendant of Health - 400 gold - +50 Health; +2 Natural Defense - Greatly enhance health level
- Red Crystal of Spirit - 400 gold - +3 Spirit - Enhance spirit level
- Ring of Red Crystal - 400 gold - +2 Spirit; +3 Control; +4 Defense against fire - Enhance balance level
- Fire Pendant of Power - 500 gold - +5 Power - Greatly enhance power level
- Fire Pendant of Chi - 1000 gold - +150 Chi - Greatly enhance chi level
- Fire Pendant of Control - 1000 gold - +7 Control - Enhance control level
List of relics items[]
Nickelodeon states in the instructions for a player to not get their hopes up because the relics are hard to obtain. They are, in actuality, not that difficult to obtain. At higher levels, they will appear as rewards even in the Training Arena. If one has reached the final level, fifty, and has not acquired all the items but wish to, they may simply choose to restart their character back to level one and begin training again. All their items will be retained along with the gold they have amassed.
Air Nomads[]
- Yangchen Dress - 2000 gold - +100 Chi; +8 Power; +4 Spirit; +6 Control; +8 Natural Defense; +7000 Bonus Experience
- Yangchen Necklace - 2000 gold - +100 Health; +5 Power; +11 Spirit; +3 Control; +4 Natural Defense; +7000 Bonus Experience
Water Tribes[]
- Kuruk Hunting Headgear - 2000 gold - +100 Chi; +1 Power; +2 Toughness; +13 Spirit; +2 Control; +7000 Bonus Experience
- Kuruk Heavy Dress - 2000 gold - +100 Chi; +8 Power; +3 Toughness; +2 Spirit; +4 Control; +4 Natural Defense; +7000 Bonus Experience
- Kuruk Light Dress - 2000 gold - +100 Health; +6 Power; +3 Toughness; +3 Spirit; +3 Control; +7000 Bonus Experience
Earth Kingdom[]
- Kyoshi Bracers - 2000 gold - +100 Chi; +6 Toughness; +10 Control; +7000 Bonus Experience - This is a famed relic worn by a previous incarnation of the Avatar
- Kyoshi Fans - 2000 gold - +100 Chi; +5 Power; +6 Spirit;+3 Control; +4 Natural Defense; +7000 Bonus Experience
- Kyoshi Headgear - 2000 gold - +100 Chi; +5 Power; +5 Spirit; +5 Control; +7 Natural Defense; +7000 Bonus Experience
- Kyoshi Avatar Headgear - 2000 gold - +100 Health; +5 Power; +4 Spirit; +8 Natural Defense; +7000 Bonus Experience
- Kyoshi Armor - 2000 gold - +100 Health; +10 Power; +8 Natural Defense; +7000 Bonus Experience
- Kyoshi Boots - 2000 gold - +100 Health; +3 Toughness; +10 Control; +7000 Bonus Experience
Fire Nation[]
- Roku Dress - 2000 gold - +100 Health, +2 Power, +8 Spirit, +3 Control, +2 Natural Defense, +7000 Bonus Experience
- Roku Headgear - 2000 gold - +100 Health, +6 Power, + 1 Spirit, +3 Control, +4 Natural Defense, + 7000 Bonus Experience
- Dragon egg - 2000 gold - +100 Health, +100 Chi, +10 Power, + 2 Toughness, +4 Spirit, +2 Control, +7000 Bonus Experience
Special codes[]
Nicktoons Network offered viewers of Laser Awesome Fridays codes during the commercials of episodes of season three. These episodes were shown at 6:30 p.m. on Fridays. The codes yielded certain rewards in the game, such as bonus gold.
"One unique aspect of the game is that you will be able to watch, from September through October, special episodes of Avatar which will give you episode-specific hints for unlocking exclusive game content."[1]
So far these are the codes that have been shown:
These codes unlock character models to play as. They all start at level 1 with zero experience points.
- Avatar Aang - seventh chakra
- Zuko - breath of fire
- Katara - painted lady
- Toph - metal bending
- Gold (500 gold per code)
- Boomerang
- Dragon
- Dragon dance
- June
- Gondola
- Dance of the Dragon
- Mai
- Mouth
- Mother
- Western air temple
- Mom
- ↑ New MMORPG Avatar: Legends of the Arena. San Diego Comic-Con (Jul 25, 2008). Archived from the original on July 31, 2008.