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Firebender Fire Nation emblem

Khuchtei was an aggressive Fire Nation politician who served as Minister of Education, Science, and Technology during the early reign of Fire Lord Sozin.[1]


Early in Fire Lord Sozin's reign, Khuchtei was appointed as his Minister of Education, Science, and Technology. She was devoted to her job, causing her to advocate fiercely for the Fire Nation whenever discussions about technology exchanges arose.[1]

Khuchtei hosted the Four Nations Summit & Technological Symposium in Hari Bulkan. She was proud that the Fire Nation had amassed a large cache of meteorite metal, and wanted to use the rare material to build several new machines for the Fire Nation. She knew that Fire Lord Sozin was interested in prototypes of an overland war machine, and theorized about using the material for the construction of a metal tank, hoping that it would earn her endless bragging rights among her peers. The rare materials were stored in crates near her workshops. She was aware that meteorite metal was believed to be unbreakable once forged.[2]

Khuchtei later burst into the conference in Zoryu Hall and announced that multiple crates of precious meteorite metal were stolen from the Fire Nation, demanding the thief reveal themself.[3] After a few awkward moments, she did not halt the conference, as all eyes were on the Fire Nation, and she wanted it to be a success, but she ordered patrols of guards to roam the halls and demanded that the crates were returned immediately.[4] Khuchtei had suspicions about everyone at the summit, and was willing to take extreme measures if the thief was not found promptly.[5] To Khuchtei, the theft of the meteorite metal was tantamount to an act of war, and until the theft was resolved, she grew more and more unstable, prepared to take extreme action.[2]

Physical description[]

Khuchtei was a tiny woman with a confident grin and a powerful voice.[1]


Khuchtei was an extravagant host and apologized the second she realized she may have been impolite. While she could remain politic and polite externally, she was always fierce and determined when a diplomatic incident occurred, such as the theft of the meteorite ore. Her pride meant that she could go down the path of taking extreme action the moment she thought there was reason to do so, to punish those who dared threaten the Fire Nation.[1]


Khuchtei was a skilled firebender. Her signature move was the "fire pinwheel", where she could get closer to her opponents by shooting fire discs at them.[1]


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