Gyaku, personal name Otome, was a Fire Army officer who served in the late Hundred Year War. She was a member of the Fire Nation mission to the Glacial Temple, during which she displayed considerable leadership skills but was also betrayed by her superior, Commander Mamushi.[1]
Early life and career[]
Gyaku was born to ash banana farmers on the Fire Islands. She enlisted in the Fire Nation military, though discovered it difficult to rise in the ranks due to her gender and humble background. However, she worked hard and ultimately rose to Sergeant. She was also assigned to serve under Commander Mamushi, and was initially ecstatic about this development due to a belief that her career was finally taking off. Her enthusiasm waned over time, as Mamushi repeatedly ordered Gyaku and other soldiers to engage in morally dubious actions. The sergeant tried to justify her orders by holding to the belief that all of it was done in service to Fire Lord Ozai.[1]
Expedition to the Glacial Temple[]
In late 99 AG, Gyaku was tasked by her superior to acquire the journal of Taliriktug, a member of an ancient pirate group called the Fifth Nation. Gyaku and her troops tracked down the document, discovering that it was in the possession of Fan. However, as the soldiers caught up with Fan, the latter was in the process of handing it over to an archeologist named Wen. After a chase, Gyaku eventually caught Wen; she assumed that they were a dangerous criminal based on previous mission briefings. However, she did not eliminate the archeologist, and opted to risk her superior's anger by bringing the researcher to Mamushi's expedition camp at the South Pole's coast.[1]
After arriving, Mamushi expressed her annoyance at Wen's presence, though Gyaku convinced the commander to spare the civilian due to their knowledge on the Fifth Nation. Later, the sergeant rudely woke Wen as they were about to discuss future plans with Mamushi. Though Wen was initially hesitant to aid the Fire Nation military, the archeologist became more cooperative when Gyaku whispered that refusal would end in their death. After the meeting was over, Gyaku chided Wen for risking fatal consequence by initially disobeying Mamushi. The researcher responded that they wanted to stay out of the war. The sergeant angrily responded that this was not about "personal philosophy" but a matter of life-and-death for both of them, as Wen's behavior also reflected on herself.[1]

Gyaku took part in Mamushi's mission to the Glacial Temple, helping to explore the large structure.
Afterward, Mamushi ordered her troops to move out toward the location indicated by Taliriktug's journal. On the way through the tundra, Wen complained about the cold, causing Gyaku to take pity and offer their hot water bottle. Soon after, the group ran into pirates who were refusing to let them pass, resulting in a battle. After defeating them, the group arrived at a location with various ruins with strange statues of otter penguins. At the ruins, the corsairs had already begun collecting loot and storing it in crates. As per Mamushi's orders, Gyaku, Wen, and the other soldiers searched the crates for anything valuable, enduring further pirate attacks in the process. The sergeant eventually discovered a fragmented stone inscription, and asked Wen for their opinion. Though the archeologist was fascinated, Mamushi declared it junk and ordered her troops to leave the inscription behind. With Gyaku's agreement, however, Wen kept the fragment in a bag. Soon after, the group discovered the entry to the ancient cave, venturing inside.[1]
Mamushi's betrayal and alliance with Wen[]
The cave featured more strange stues and structures, and Gyaku became gradually more and more fascinated by the ruins, frequently asking Wen on their opinions. However, the expedition kept encountering the pirates who attempted to evict them from the grounds. In one attack, the sergeant, her team, and Wen suddenly discovered that Mamushi had left them to face the corsairs on their own. Though they managed to repel the attackers, the incident shook the sergeant. When Wen pointed out that the group should return to the base camp, as their commander had abandoned them, Gyaku pointed out that a major storm had developed outside. Accordingly, they were trapped and forced to keep exploring the cave and its ruins.[1]
The group eventually discovered the "Inscribed Sanctum" with a lot more fragments of stone inscriptions. Gyaku was impressed by the room's architecture, but also began to wonder what exactly Mamushi was seeking in the cave. Specifically, the sergeant began to doubt that her commander's actions were in service of the Fire Nation government. As she discussed her views with Wen, more pirates arrived, personally led by Captain Kiwaq. After fending off this attack, Gyaku expressed her regret at having led Wen into this messy and dangerous situation. Having learned that the researcher was a good person, the sergeant apologized, causing Wen to warm up to her. Afterward, the two and the other soldiers continued to venture deeper into the cave, wanting to learn what Mamushi had been searching for.[1]

When Kiwaq's pirates attacked in force, Gyaku and her comrades fought them off as Mamushi escaped with her prize.
At a large hall, the "Elder's Rise", Gyaku and Wen reunited with Mamushi whose personal guards were in the process of trying to open a large, sealed door. After threatening the researcher into assist her, Wen figured out a way to open to pathway, allowing Mamushi to enter alone as she ordered her guards to keep anyone else outside. Before long, the commander emerged with a coffer, only for Kiwaq's crew to also arrive and challenge the Fire Nation forces for the prize. After a short scuffle, the commander again betrayed her followers by fleeing with the coffer, leaving them to hold off the pirates. In the following battle, Gyaku saved Wen's life and protected them from Kiwaq's wrath. The pirates retreated, allowing Gyaku, Wen, and the rest of the Fire Nation soldiers to move out of the cave and back to the base camp once the storm had subsided.[1]
Upon arriving at the base camp, Gyaku's group discovered that Mamushi had left with her personal ship, leaving them behind. The sergeant was disappointed to realize just how little Mamushi had cared for her subordinates. However, she then turned to Wen and asked them to stay with her unit for a while, so they could study the local ruins and their mysterious inscriptions. In this way, Gyaku hoped to uncover what exactly Mamushi had taken from the cave and what she was planning. As they did so, the two and her companions kept clashing with Kiwaq's pirates who were still seeking to plunder the local treasures as well as take revenge for the previous losses.[1]
Avatar games[]
- As "Otome" is her personal name, "Gyaku" is either an alias or a clan/family name.[1]