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This article is about the second book of Avatar: The Last Airbender. For the second book of The Legend of Korra, see Book Two: Spirits.
Avatar Book 2

The Complete Book 2 Collection's cover features Aang in the Avatar State in the background, hovering over the other members of Team Avatar.

Book Two: Earth () is the title of the second season of Avatar: The Last Airbender, created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, and the sequel to Book One: Water. The title refers to the Avatar Cycle: water, earth, fire, and air, and the story of Aang learning earthbending under the tutelage of Toph Beifong is a primary focus during this season.

The season began on March 17, 2006, with the airing of "The Avatar State", and ended on December 1 of the same year with "The Guru" and "The Crossroads of Destiny", both episodes airing on the same date. It was followed by Book Three: Fire, the third and final season. The series starred Zach Tyler Eisen, Mae Whitman, Jack DeSena, Jessie Flower, Dante Basco, Dee Bradley Baker, Clancy Brown, Mako Iwamatsu (in his final voice performance as Iroh before his death), and Grey DeLisle as the main character voices.

In the iTunes and Netflix US release of Book Two, the episodes "The Serpent's Pass" and "The Drill" are combined into one episode titled "The Secret of the Fire Nation". Netflix US also combined "The Guru" and "The Crossroads of Destiny" into one episode, however, the title is simply displayed as "The Guru / The Crossroads of Destiny", rather than creating a new title.

Official summary[]

"Avatar Aang continues his quest to master the four elements before the end of summer. Together with Katara, Sokka, Momo, and Appa, he journeys across the Earth Kingdom in search of an Earthbending mentor. Along the way, he confronts Princess Azula, treacherous daughter of Firelord Ozai and sister to Prince Zuko. More powerful than her brother, Azula will stop at nothing to defeat the Avatar. But Aang and the gang find plenty of Earth Kingdom allies to help them along the way. From the swamps of the South to the Earth King's palace, Avatar: Book 2 is an adventure like no other. This deluxe box set includes all 20 action-packed chapters from Book 2: Earth."


Original air date: March 17, 2006
Written by: Elizabeth Welch Ehasz, Tim Hedrick, Aaron Ehasz & John O'Bryan
Directed by: Giancarlo Volpe
Production number: 201
After leaving the North Pole, Aang and the group travel to an Earth Kingdom military base to receive an escort to Omashu, so Aang can learn earthbending from King Bumi. The general there reveals a surprising plan, suggesting that Aang trigger the Avatar State to defeat the Fire Lord immediately. Meanwhile, Zuko's sister, Princess Azula claims that the Fire Lord will pardon both him and Iroh if they return home with her.
Original air date: March 24, 2006
Written by: Joshua Hamilton
Directed by: Lauren MacMullan
Production number: 202
While on the way to Omashu, Aang and the crew meet a group of traveling bards who take them through a vast tunnel known as the Cave of Two Lovers. In the cave, Aang, Katara, and Appa become separated from Sokka and the bards. Elsewhere, Zuko and Iroh are sheltered by kind people after Iroh "accidentally" drinks the tea from a poisonous plant. Song, a young and compassionate healer, shows Zuko the effects of war from a normal citizen's perspective.
Original air date: April 7, 2006
Written by: Elizabeth Welch Ehasz
Directed by: Ethan Spaulding
Production number: 203
Aang and the crew are shocked to find Omashu captured by the Fire Nation. They sneak in and are caught by Fire Nation soldiers, but released when pox marks on Sokka create the illusion of illness. They meet the resistance and allow the whole city to escape by creating a fake epidemic with the same pox marks. While they are leaving, the Governor of Omashu's son, Tom-Tom, accidentally leaves with the earthbenders who are willing to trade him for King Bumi. Elsewhere, Azula tracks down her old friends, Mai and Ty Lee, to help her capture Zuko and Iroh.
Original air date: April 14, 2006
Written by: Tim Hedrick
Directed by: Giancarlo Volpe
Production number: 204
While flying over a swamp, Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Appa become separated by a tornado. After landing in the swamp, Appa and Momo are captured. Meanwhile, Sokka sees visions of Princess Yue, Katara sees visions of her mother and Aang sees visions of an unknown girl. Elsewhere, Zuko and Iroh seek money from local villagers.
Original air date: April 28, 2006
Written by: John O'Bryan
Directed by: Lauren MacMullan
Production number: 205
After being attacked by a band of Fire Nation soldiers, the gang stumbles upon a town celebrating Avatar Day. However, they find out that this is an "Anti-Avatar" celebration and Aang is arrested for killing Chin the Conqueror in a past life. Sokka and Katara travel to Kyoshi Island to find clues to prove Aang's innocence. Meanwhile, Zuko decides that it is best if he and Iroh split up.
Original air date: May 5, 2006
Written by: Michael Dante DiMartino
Directed by: Ethan Spaulding
Production number: 206
Still seeking an earthbending master, Aang and the crew stumble upon an earthbending tournament. While there, they find a blind master earthbender, Toph, the girl whom Aang saw as a vision in "The Swamp". Aang challenges her and easily defeats her with airbending, but she refuses to teach him earthbending. Both Aang and Toph are captured by the owner of the earthbending tournament.
Original air date: May 12, 2006
Written by: Elizabeth Welch Ehasz
Directed by: Lauren MacMullan
Production number: 207
After leaving his uncle, Zuko continues his solo journey. He meets a boy in an Earth Kingdom town who brings him home to dinner. While this happens, Zuko has flashbacks about his life before banishment, involving his loving mother and cruel sister, Azula.
Original air date: May 26, 2006
Written by: Joshua Hamilton
Directed by: Giancarlo Volpe
Production number: 208
Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Toph are chased by an unknown machine, which results in a lack of sleep. After Toph and Katara argue, Toph leaves and runs into Iroh, who is tracking down Zuko. After cleaning Appa so his fur does not leave a trail for the tank to follow, Aang goes one way as a decoy, and Sokka and Katara fly in another direction on Appa, the former of which results in a three-way fight.
Original air date: June 2, 2006
Written by: Aaron Ehasz
Directed by: Ethan Spaulding
Production number: 209
Aang tries to learn earthbending from Toph, despite interference from his previous airbending training. Sokka becomes stuck in a hole after trying to hunt an animal. Elsewhere, Iroh teaches Zuko how to redirect lightning so he will be a more capable threat against Azula.
Original air date: July 14, 2006
Written by: John O'Bryan
Directed by: Giancarlo Volpe
Production number: 210
A professor tells the gang about a Spirit Library full of information, hidden in the Si Wong Desert. Sokka decides to find the desert library in hopes of finding secrets and weaknesses about the Fire Nation. When the group arrives at the library, they find that much of the information on the Fire Nation has been destroyed; however, they still find crucial information about firebenders that could possibly end the war.
Original air date: July 14, 2006
Written by: Tim Hedrick
Directed by: Lauren MacMullan
Production number: 211
Since Appa was captured, the gang walks across the desert to tell the Earth King about the Fire Nation's secret. Aang grows angry and sad over Appa's capture. Elsewhere, a secret society helps protect Iroh and Zuko from the Fire Nation and bounty hunters.
Original air date: September 15, 2006
Written by: Joshua Hamilton & Michael Dante DiMartino
Directed by: Ethan Spaulding
Production number: 212
After leaving the desert, the group, accompanied by Suki, attempts to lead a couple who are expecting a baby through the dangerous Serpent's Pass. While Zuko and Iroh are on the ferry to Ba Sing Se, they meet Jet, who is trying to turn his life around and takes an instant liking to Zuko.
Original air date: September 15, 2006
Written by: Michael Dante DiMartino & Bryan Konietzko
Directed by: Giancarlo Volpe
Production number: 213
Aang discovers a secret Fire Nation super weapon heading straight for Ba Sing Se and must stop it before it destroys the great wall which protects the city from invasion. Meanwhile, Jet wishes to recruit Zuko for his Freedom Fighters, but learns a dangerous secret about him instead.
Original air date: September 22, 2006
Written by: Tim Hedrick
Directed by: Lauren MacMullan
Production number: 214
Team Avatar finally arrives in the Earth Kingdom's capital, Ba Sing Se, eager to tell the Earth King about the opportunity the coming eclipse, only to be stopped by mysterious forces within the city. Meanwhile, Jet tries to prove that Zuko and Iroh, supposedly simple refugees, are actually firebenders.
Original air date: September 29, 2006
Written by: Joann Estoesta, Lisa Wahlander, Andrew Huebner, Gary Scheppke, Lauren MacMullan, Katie Mattila, Justin Ridge, Giancarlo Volpe, Elizabeth Welch Ehasz, & John O'Bryan
Directed by: Ethan Spaulding
Production number: 215
During their stay in Ba Sing Se Katara and Toph have a girls' day out; Iroh helps out people in town, preparing for an emotional day; Aang helps a zookeeper build a new zoo; Sokka accidentally ends up in a poetry club; Zuko goes out on a date; Momo looks through Ba Sing Se for Appa.
Original air date: October 13, 2006
Written by: Elizabeth Welch Ehasz
Directed by: Giancarlo Volpe
Production number: 216
After his abduction in the Si Wong Desert, Appa is eventually sold to a Fire Nation circus, where he is forced to perform. He manages to escape, but his return to Wan Shi Tong's Library proves fruitless, as Aang and his friends had already left. Flying to Ba Sing Se, he gets into a fight with a boar-q-pine, but Suki and her fellow warriors from Kyoshi Island help him recover from his injuries before the group is attacked. He flees to the Eastern Air Temple, where a mysterious guru provides him with aid on his search.
Original air date: November 3, 2006
Written by: Tim Hedrick
Directed by: Lauren MacMullan
Production number: 217
The gang continues looking for Appa, with Long Feng trying to throw them off by sending Jet to make them leave the city. They meet up with Longshot and Smellerbee and realize Jet was brainwashed. Elsewhere, Zuko discovers that Aang is in the city and begins his own search for Appa.
Original air date: November 17, 2006
Written by: John O'Bryan
Directed by: Ethan Spaulding
Production number: 218
The gang breaks into the Earth King's palace to talk to him, Long Feng, and the Dai Li about the war. At their new house, Zuko falls spiritually ill as his latest action has set a different course for his future.
Original air date: December 1, 2006
Written by: Michael Dante DiMartino & Bryan Konietzko
Directed by: Giancarlo Volpe
Production number: 219
Aang starts to learn control of the Avatar State from Guru Pathik at the Eastern Air Temple. Sokka is reunited with his father and Toph teaches herself metalbending while Xin Fu and Master Yu transport Toph back to her parents. Katara and the generals plan the invasion of the Fire Nation. Later, she sees Zuko and Iroh running their tea shop.
Original air date: December 1, 2006
Written by: Aaron Ehasz
Directed by: Michael Dante DiMartino
Production number: 220
When Aang has a vision that Katara is in danger, Aang, Sokka, and Toph all rush back to Ba Sing Se to save her. They meet up with Iroh, who asks their help in saving Zuko who had been captured as well. While Aang and Iroh journey to the prison where Zuko and Katara are held, Toph and Sokka go to warn the Earth King of a secret coup, but are captured by Azula. Aang and Katara battle Azula when Zuko shows up and helps Azula. They are overwhelmed by Zuko, Azula, and the Dai Li. Aang prepares to let go of his feelings for Katara to save her and meditates as he rises in cosmic energy but is struck by Azula's lightning bolt and falls. The gang escapes Ba Sing Se and Katara revitalizes Aang using the water from the Spirit Oasis in the North Pole.

The episodes were released on four DVDs (five episodes to a DVD) and later as a box set containing all twenty episodes of the season. The DVDs were released throughout the year 2007.

DVD Volume title Episodes Release date
Avatar The Last Airbender – Book 2: Earth, Volume 1 "The Avatar State", "The Cave of Two Lovers", "Return to Omashu", "The Swamp", "Avatar Day" January 23, 2007
Avatar The Last Airbender – Book 2: Earth, Volume 2 "The Blind Bandit", "Zuko Alone", "The Chase", "Bitter Work", "The Library" April 10, 2007
Avatar The Last Airbender – Book 2: Earth, Volume 3 "The Desert", "The Serpent's Pass", "The Drill", "City of Walls and Secrets", "The Tales of Ba Sing Se" May 22, 2007
Avatar The Last Airbender – Book 2: Earth, Volume 4 "Appa's Lost Days", "Lake Laogai", "The Earth King", "The Guru", "The Crossroads of Destiny" August 14, 2007
Avatar The Last Airbender – The Complete Book 2 Collection All episodes of Book Two – see above September 11, 2007




  • This season of the Avatar series won several awards, including a 2007 Emmy Award for "Outstanding Individual Achievement in Animation".[1]
  • The final two episodes of Book Two, "The Guru" and "The Crossroads of Destiny", were the most-watched episodes of this season, reaching 4.40 million viewers in the U.S.[2]
  • This is the last season in which Mako Iwamatsu voices Iroh, as the role is continued by Greg Baldwin in Book Three after Iwamatsu's passing in 2006.


  1. Mesger, Robin (September 8, 2007). 59th Creative Emmy Awards Winners. Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. Retrieved on April 8, 2024.
  2. Broadcast & Cable Nielsens: Week Ending June 10, 2007. Ratings Ryan (December 20, 2020). Retrieved on April 8, 2024.

See also[]
