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Aurebesh Wiki

"Chapter 6: The Prisoner" is the sixth episode of Season One of the Star Wars live action series The Mandalorian. It aired on December 13, 2019.

Use of Aurebesh

Razor Crest navicomputer

As the Razor Crest is about to jump to hyperspace, the navicomputer monitor says:

[illegible word] HYP.D
RC/M 12687 PCR 520000'27''S TAR.W

Note that the numbers are written in an alternate font that is completely different from regular Aurebesh numbers, using an alternate numerical system based on dots and lines.

The same text appears when Din Djarin is approaching Roost space station at the end of the episode, although some it it is obscured.

Razor Crest computer

During the rescue of Qin, there are many shots of the Razor Crest's computer, however, it produces nothing but gibberish when translated.

See also

Wookieepedia "Chapter 6: The Prisoner" on Wookieepedia
