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Ficheru:Indian Ocean laea location map.svg

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De Wikipedia

Ficheru orixinal (ficheru SVG, 709 × 666 píxels nominales, tamañu de ficheru: 168 kB)

Esti ficheru ye de Wikimedia Commons y puen usalu otros proyeutos. La descripción de la páxina de descripción del ficheru amuésase darréu.


English: Location map of the Indian Ocean.
  • Projection: Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection.
  • Area of interest:
  • N: 30.0° N
  • S: -70.0° N
  • W: 30.0° E
  • E: 150.0° E
  • Projection center:
  • NS: -20.0° N
  • WE: 90.0° E
  • GMT projection: -JA90.0/-20.0/180/19.998266666666666c
  • GMT region: -R-12.856058461183775/-43.848273739920856/151.50519408595028/33.22162400070504r
  • Land and shoreline: 1:110m Natural Earth Datasets, borders 1:50m
Fonte Trabayu propiu
Autor Tentotwo

Shell script for generating the map using GMT archive copy at the Wayback Machine


# Set common options

# Get Natural Earth datafiles
echo "Downloading datafiles from"
wget -nv -nc \\\
echo "...done\n"

echo "Inflating archives"
unzip 110m\*.zip
echo "...done\n"

echo "Converting shapefiles to GMT"
ogr2ogr -F GMT 110m_land.gmt 110m_land.shp
ogr2ogr -F GMT 110m_coastline.gmt 110m_coastline.shp
ogr2ogr -F GMT 50m_borders.gmt ne_50m_admin_0_boundary_lines_land.shp
echo "...done\n"

echo "Creating maps"
GMT psxy -m -J$PROJECTION -R$REGION --PAGE_COLOR=198/236/255  --POLAR_CAP=none --PAPER_MEDIA=A3  --BASEMAP_TYPE=plain --BASEMAP_AXES=NESW --FRAME_PEN=0.15p,black 110m_land.gmt -K -G254/254/233 > $FILENAME
GMT psxy -m -J$PROJECTION -R$REGION 110m_coastline.gmt -O -K -W0.535p,9/120/171  >> $FILENAME
GMT psxy -m -J$PROJECTION -R$REGION 50m_borders.gmt -O -W100/100/100  >> $FILENAME
echo "...done\n"

echo "You can now open $FILENAME in Inkscape to clean up the file and save it as SVG. You should add an ocean coloured background and simplify the graticules using CTRL+L."



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Historial del ficheru

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actual10:02 1 feb 2012Miniatura de la versión a fecha de 10:02 1 feb 2012709 × 666 (168 kB)Tentotwo

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