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Very Go Round (TotR)

Very Go Round as it appears in Tales of the Rays.

Very Go Round (ベリィ・ゴウ・アラウンド Beryi Gou Araundo?) is an Earth-elemental reward mirrage arte in Tales of the Rays exclusive to Zelos Wilder.

Arte Description and History[]

Zelos spins counterclockwise several times as he orbits and slashes the enemy before ending with a upper slash.


Crossover Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of the Rays[]

Japanese Description: 舞うように敵を斬りつけ女性の視線を釘付けにする魔鏡技

Japanese Quote: 魔鏡技!決めるぜ! ベリィ!ゴウ!アラウンド!
