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Technical Points (テクニカルポイント Tekunikarupointo?), or TP for short, is the basic battle element in the Tales, mostly appearing in older releases.


Technical Points act similarly to Mana or Magic Points seen in other games outside of Tales series, serving as the basic resource used in performing artes. Generally the stronger the arte its TP cost also increases with it. Depending on the game there may be skills that reduces artes' TP cost, regardless if they are martial or magic artes. Some skills may recover a portion of TP when a character defeats a foe or at the end of battle, allowing to save TP-restoring gels for boss battles or other difficult fights.

The PlayStation 2 remake of Tales of Destiny introduced replacement for Technical Points known as Chain Capacity, CC for short, a system that has reappeared few more times, most notably in Tales of Graces and Tales of the Rays. Other games in the series also possess different replacements for TP, each with its own twists.
