Houshuu Kousaijin (崩襲鋼砕塵?, "Crumbling Assault Steel Breaking Dust") is an Earth-elemental altered strike arte exclusive to Presea Combatir in Tales of the Rays.
Arte Description and History[]
Presea jumps up and slams her axe into the ground, rupturing it. This arte is the master arte to Houshuu Chigakujin, replacing that arte when used as the sixth or later action in a chain.
Crossover Titles
In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]
Tales of the Rays[]
Japanese Description: 鋼すら砕く衝撃波を発し数えきれない程の岩槍で追撃する秘技
Japanese Quote: 邪魔です…崩襲鋼砕塵!