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Scathing Harvest (草薙刃ハーベスト Souteijin / "Haabesuto"?, "Grass Mowing Blade / Harvest") is an assault-style arte exclusive to Cheria Barnes from Tales of Graces.

Arte Description and History[]

Cheria throws a dagger into the air and catches it. As she spins clockwise, green wisps forming around her, a red circle forms around the target, and then a yellow light bursts from it. As Cheria finishes her spin, the wisps briefly turn blue and yellow, then return to green. In Tales of Graces it is effective against plants, while in Tales of the Rays this arte is Earth-elemental.


Original Titles

Crossover Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of Graces[]

Localized Quote: "There!!"

Alternate Japanese Quote: よっと!
Alternate Localized Quote: "And swing!"

Tales of the Rays[]

Japanese Description:

