Death Knell (ディストールノヴァ Disutoorunova?, "Distall Nova") is a martial arte exclusive to Milla Maxwell and her fractured self.
Arte Description and History[]
Milla performs a low, anticlockwise spin jump that assaults nearby enemies, then performs a frontal downward flip to slash the opponent with her blade. In Tales of Innocence R, Milla's aerial Guard Counter attack resembles this arte. In Tales of Berseria, this arte is Non-elemental and has a chance to increase the user's P.ATK.
Original Titles
- Tales of Xillia - Milla Maxwell (Death Knell)
- Tales of Xillia 2 - Milla/Milla Maxwell (Death Knell)
- Tales of Berseria - Milla Maxwell (Death Knell)
Crossover Titles
- Tales of Link - Milla Maxwell (Death Knell)
- Tales of the Rays - Milla Maxwell (Death Knell)
- Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time and Space - Milla Maxwell (Death Knell)
In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]
Tales of Xillia[]
Localized Description: "The body spins skyward bathed in light, before it roars downward toward the earth with deadly impact."
Tales of Xillia 2[]
Localized Description: "The body spins skyward bathed in light, before it roars downward toward the earth with deadly impact."
Tales of the Rays[]
Japanese Description: 斬撃から流れるように空中斬り下ろしに繋ぐ