Bell Ringer (爆灰鐘 Bakkaishou?, "Bursting Ash Bell") is a recurring base arte in the Tales series.
Arte Description and History[]
In Tales of Destiny 2, Loni Dunamis performs a powerful downward strike. In Tales of the Rays, Loni stomps his left foot down before the slam attack.
In Tales of Graces, Asbel Lhant uses this arte only during the childhood arc where he kicks his opponent with his left leg while spinning before finishing with a powerful downward strike that cracks the earth and it is written entirely in hiragana in the Japanese version of the game.
Original Titles
- Tales of Destiny 2 - Loni Dunamis
- Tales of Graces - Asbel Lhant (Bell Ringer)
Crossover Titles
In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]
Tales of Destiny 2[]
Japanese Description: それはもう強力な振り下ろしで、大地を 震撼させる特技
Tales of Graces[]
Japanese Description: 武器を思いっきりたたきつける。威力は高いが 手もしびれる。
Alternate Japanese Quote: いっけえ~!
Alternate Localized Quote: "Try this on!"
Tales of the Rays[]
Japanese Description:
- 前方に力強く一��踏み込み
- 勢いよく武器を振り下ろす
- 6連携目以降で発動すると秘技変化
- バーストリミッツ中は連携数省略可