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Wildlife Inspiring Today's Young Artists

The George Montgomery/NRA Youth Wildlife Art Contest offers young artists interested in hunting and wildlife an outlet to use their creative talent, practice artistic techniques, and refine wildlife identification skills through the creation of original works. This contest encourages youth to nurture their interest for the visual arts, hunting, and wildlife conservation. It also reinforces the positive effects of hunting and wildlife conservation with the public at large. 

Students grades 1 through 12 (including home-schooled children) are eligible to enter and all entries must portray North American game birds or animals that may be legally hunted or trapped. Artists have the chance to win thousands of dollars in prizes!

NRA Join Now Call to action with hunters walking through the woods
Blue Icon of a Painters Palette and Brush

Hugely Popular Across The U.S.

Since the inception of the contest, over 5000 outstanding young artists from across the United States have entered the George Montgomery/NRA Youth Wildlife Art Contest

Blue Icon of a Cash Award

National Exposure

Artists will have the opportunity to compete for $15,000 in cash and prizes

Blue Icon of a Crowd of People

Cash Prizes

NRA Staff will participate in voting for 12 National Finalists

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Contact us at 703-267-1491 or email [email protected] for more information.


Youth Wildlife Art Contest

The George Montgomery/NRA Youth Wildlife Art Contest offers young artists interested in hunting and wildlife an outlet to use their creative talent, practice artistic techniques, and refine wildlife identification skills through the creation of original works.